My mother use to have this poem in our dinning room.


If children live with criticism,
they learn to condemn.

If children live with hostility,
they learn to fight.

If children live with fear,
they learn to be apprehensive.

If children live with ridicule,
they learn to be shy.

If children live with shame,
they learn to feel guilty.

If children live with tolerance,
they learn to be patient.

If children live with encourage-ment, they learn confidence.

If children live with praise,
they learn to appreciate.

If children live with approval,
they learn to like themselves.

If children live with acceptance,
they learn to fine love in the world.

If children are given love,
They learn to give love.

If children live with hate,
they learn to hate others.

I've been studying this thing called hate for a long time.  It seems that many males in our world today hate women and see them only as sex objects. And there is a lot of fighting.  No one is quite sure why Microsoft fights with everyone and seems to hate just about everyone accept themselves, but I think it has something to do with this little poem. I also think that two generations of neglected latch key children, with working mothers has led to a lot of neglect and abuse.

This is what happened to the Israelis.  They have never stopped hating, because they were the victims of hate as a people.  And this is what they are now teaching their children and Arabs in the Middle East. They are teaching innocent and helpless children to hate.  And this is what results from all wars.

Bomb a child and create a terrorist! Children learn what they live and if you hate they will learn to hate with you. Bu t if you learn to love they will learn to love with you.

Stop the cycle. Stop it NOW. I'm very impressed with the Middle East talk right now. It is time to move forward. Remember, Jew, Moslem and Christian learned from the same fundamental truths--The Commandments of Moses.

Over 2 million Iraqis died in the last Gulf War. We didn't have to deal with it here in the U.S. because it was put on TV by the Pentagon like some kind of video game. The humans we kill are treated like they are nothing more than sprits on a computer screen.

The same thing is going on in Afghanistan.  We have no idea how many people are hiding in the caves they are blowing up.  We just go in and if we think there are Afghanistan males in an area, we blow up the caves and cause them to be buried alive.

We are killing all these people, tearing up families and leaving more and more children homeless, father less and without hope. We are totally destroying their economy and infrastructure. this is now how you bring Peace to the world.  What you do is instill hate in a whole generation that will serve only to fuel still more terrorism. 

Males don't have the ability to see cycles in time. This is why they are so obsessed with time management programs and tools. Women have always understood time much better.  How else could a mother have an infant, take care of a house, keep the shopping up and the kids off to school.  We don't have time management programs to do it. That is because it wouldn't be efficient.

Men have no natural cycle like women. So they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. They continue to go in and destroy every scrap  of hope these people have and then don't understand what is happening when there are more terrorist attacks.  People who have nothing have nothing to loose.

The TV and movies are full of violence, graphic sex and destruction. We are normalizing this kind of thing.  It's not natural.   People are living in virtual reality. And that virtual reality isn't about good things.  It's about evil and hate.

The men aren't the only ones slipping into this.  Women are now using sex more and more to humiliate or manipulate males. There is a lot of backstabbing and viciousness that goes on.  You have to wonder abouat it. A males need to perform sexually is so important that they are talking penis pills to get them hard. And this is so bizarre that we have old men who are retired senator's and what not doing commercials on TV to support this.

I believe the video games are the biggest problems.  In fact, computers in general set people up for this kind of virtual reality. I've been viciously harassed by some of the wealthiest men in the country.  They don't even seem to understand what they are doing.  It's just a joke to them.  Then the ones who have finally meant me, don't even recognize me because their sense of who I am is so distorted. They are especially surprise to find out that I'm physically disabled and 52 years old.

If you are a mother with children, get rid of the video gamers. If you can, teach your sons to hunt and to raise animals for food. I think that in adolescence, males in a natural environment go through a rite of passage that is tied to this.  Anyone who has killed for food knows what is involved. 

I've noticed the smell of blood has a very different effect on men that on women. They don't like it. Women menstruate and spend from about 12 to 50 bleeding every month.  It is normal for us.

The sense of finality is very important. We need to instill in children, especially males, what death is about. As a ex-rancher who use to raise and kill my own food, I consider most males wimps.  Especially these ones behind computers who are too shy to either stand up for themselves or too embarrassed to admit when thy have made a mistake.

I've studied their behavior since the 80s. The males don't have a real sense of their maleness.  So they try to prove their males by assaulting women sexually, drinking and doing drugs,  obsessing on video games and watching very gross movies and sports.

This is a piece vicious e-mail from public court documents. (you may not be able to access this on my web because I'm being harassed by Microsoft yet again.  I think it's this security guy and Jesse Franklin IV. My e-mail to Bill Gates from 1991 that he claimed was harassment--when it was only an attempt to get a job--seems to be removed frequently. I can't access it myself and it's showing up on my server. Hey, this women engineer is using engineering tools that can see.) It's written by Brian Valentine Sr. VP of Windows at Microsoft. He solicited a document from me then lied about it. This was someone who just cross posted and did e-mail with me on CompuServe at the time. Not only is it totally untrue, but like many women from my background, hardly ever dated and didn't do the party thing.  I've been raped and assaulted many times because I was a prude. I still don't like French kissing. I've been single for about 20 years and don't miss sex at all. I lost custody of my children because of this. This man is a multi-millionaire.

So having someone circulating a story that I had sex with Microsoft employees in a subway really upset me. I never recovered from his defamation of character. At the time I was trying to recover from an injury at Microsoft due to sexual harassment that left me with nerve damage to my arms. I was really traumatized by this. And they never to this day have stopped messing with my life.

I came under attack by Bill Gates because he didn't like that I complained about what happened and begged for a job as a person with a disability.  Without a thought, he ordered I be denied developer support, blackballing me from working. He simply destroyed my career and family with one of his aggressive fits about NOTHING but LIES! this situation that has lasted since 1990 is nothing short of a HATE CRIME.  But I'm a women. and without money I have no civil or human rights--especially when I'm dealing with money boys like this.  Of course they didn't make their money legally. They violated all kinds of legal, moral and ethical rule there is to get that money and had no concern at all about who they destroyed.  Even when it's just a mother of three children.

 It's all about the party.  It's not natural male behavior to want to see graphic violence or to abuse women and children.  It's borderline and psychotic.

There is a lyric on the radio right now: "I like the dirty things you do when I have control of you." "Your not the one for me."  I listen to the radio occasionally just to study the music lyrics. Music lyrics is a good way to study the transgression of society. You can go back as little as 20 years and they are much more romantic and seldom about violent.

If you want PEACE, you have to look at the over all culture. Every bit of violence, greed and sexual excess undermine the stability of a country. This is what has brought down every previous Empire.  This Empire of the United States, is a very dangerous thing.  For if the US and UK can simply remove a politician because he isn't in agreement with our culture and political view then they can do it again and again.

"The man who has no imagination has no wings."  Muhammad Ali

Michael Jackson I love you too.
Best of the web.   I love that video CRY!

"Change the World!"

Thanks for all your hard word.

I watch all that bad weather on D.C. and the high snow on the East Coast and laugh.  There is a much hire power than these boys in D.C. who can't think of anything but war.  I have a feeling they are doomed to see a whole lot more.

 River's run dry or they overflow.

Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam
de gente  non sancta: ab homine iniquo, et doloso  erue me.  
                      Psalm 42

Love to all the children,

Redmond Rose~









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