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Dislike Lists

Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Ares
10. The sideburns...
9. The way he harasses Xena
8. Can't take NO for an answer
7. The way he kills amazons just to get Xena's attention
6. One word: Sideburns
5. Had the good taste to chose Xena, had the bad taste to lose her and then keep trying to get her back...
4. He's petty ~Turns around and sees Ares, assures him that she's talking about a different Ares~
3. Keeps going after Xena... stupid, stupid boy... can't he see the subtext?
2. He has yet to learn the concept of bathing
1. Did I mention the sideburns?

Top Ten Reasons To dislike Eli
10. He gets Gab possessed
9. Too "holier then thou"-ish
8. He has yet to learn the concept of shaving
7. Tells people not to defend themselves, stupid boy! What good will people do the world if they die?
6. Is determined to bring forth the "one true god", as much as I dislike Ares, what's the show going to do if it can't use Dite and Ares to move the plot along?
5. He scares me
4. Did I mention his hair?
3. He used Gab in her weakest moment just to further his cause my making her believe that his way was the best for her, of course she was kinda dumb for believing him, but... Hey New Gab, stop hitting me!
2. He wants us to be vegatirians, ew.. veggies...
1. He acts like he knows what's best for everyone, well I have something to tell him, I'm a non-conformist, I listen to no one, so there! ~sticks out tounge at eli~

Top Ten Reasons To dislike Eve
10. You did just read the list above, right?
9. I would think a "Holy" woman like her wouldn't show that much flesh...
8. It's X:WP damnit, not Xena: Christian Soldier!
7. Her shirt thingie she wears... Isn't that one of the seven deadly sins?
6. Even Xena admits it... Xena: "Where did I go wrong?"
5. We had to listen to her preach for 2 seasons and then we don't get to watch her die!? Damn producers...
4. Ok, Eve was good then went evil and is now repenting... do the producers have no creativety?
3. She's a useless character, she doesn't fight, and she always has to have Xena save her from people who recognize her from her pillaging days...
2. Too "holier-than-thou"ish
1. Who needs a reason?

Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Joxer
10. Let me see, where to begin? How about his fighting skills, or lack thereof
9. He takes valuable camera time away from Argo!
8. While I do understand why he's in love with Gabby, you'd think even he could figure out that it's hopeless...
7. Four words: Joxer the mighty song ~shuddders~
6. How many times have the girls had to save his ass...?
5. His armor
4. His intelligence, or lack thereof
3. The patronizing tone he uses with Gab
2. What's not to dislike?
1. Did I mention he takes camera time away for Argo?

Top Ten Reasons To dislike the "Twilight of the Gods"

10. Only 30 seconds of camera time for Artemis my favorite goddess?!? *wail*
9. It involved Eve :(
8. Story lines so dumb even the special effects couldn't save them
7. No subtext! *wail*
6. It took valuable time away from Argo!
5. What do you get when you add really, really dumb gods + an annoying Eve + gods that can't aim to save their life (literally)?
A seriously pissed Zeplerfer!
4. Callisto was more scary then the Greek Gods
3. Remember Aphrodite's "Obession?" Now tell me why they simply didn't enchant them...
2. The fact that the god's strategy was... um... nonexistent
1. It gave Xena superpowers, now I'll admit her jumps stretched it a bit... but superpowers? Eeeesh...


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