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Fanfic Lists

Top Ten Signs You Shouldn't be Writing Fanfic
10. Sample line: "They woke up, they killed, they had henbane and then killed some more."
9. You don't believe in puncutation
8. or captizilation
7. er speling
6. Your disclaimers are longer than the fanfic ~looks guilty~
5. You end every sentence with an exclamation point!
4. You don't understand the concept of plot
3. Sample title: Xena and Gabby's Adventures in Insanity
2. Story length: 10 pages, number of paragraphs: 2
1. Your idea of "writing" is to copy & paste

Top Ten Signs You're a bad Bard
10. People have actually been killed by your bad puns
9. Most common request: Please stop!
8. Salemonious loves to have you around when he's selling earplugs...
7. You have only one fan, and he's deaf...
6. The person who destroyed your instrument was hailed as a hero
5. And the person who made you a new one was burnt at the stake...
4. Example Story: Once upon a time two people lived happily ever after.
3. Scrolls you have written have suddenly burst into flame for no reason
2. Your favortie song to sing? "It's the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friends..."
1. You wrote the ending of the last episode

Top Ten Signs You Read too Much Fanfic
10. You have no idea what a bound book is
9. You bought a laptop for the sole purpose of being able to read fanfic outside of your house
8. Your printer will never recover...
7. You have every fanfic every written memorized. ~looks guilty~
6. Don't have time for a number 6... I'm in the middle of reading fanfic...
5. Don't bother me i'm still reading....
4. Give me a minute...
3. Almost done...
2. There now i'm done
1. What was the question again? Oh look the sequel!

Top Ten Things You Can Tell From a Fanfic's Disclaimer
10. Whether or not it's another rant about FIN posing as a Fanfic
9. If it's going to bash Joxer!
8. Or Eve!
7. Whether or not it's a rant against the producers posing as a Fanfic (Note words such as: Xena and Gab are the property of TPTB, but I wish they weren't!)
6. Sixes on Strike
5. Long disclaimer=short story, short disclaimer=long story
4. If the author HAS A TENDENCY TO SHOUT!
3. Level of intimacy between the main characters ;)
2. Any spoilers, not that we don't just give them away right on the front page (Gab's hair isn't natural!!!)
1. And of course, whether or not the fanfic is sub(main)texty :)

Top Ten Signs your Xena Addiction is Dangerous to Yourself... and Others
10. Your only clue of what you did during your long streches of henbane induced craziness are the chakram indents on the wall
9. Sudden urge to kill yourself for no good reason so you can be like Xena
8. Sudden urge to preach constantly about Eli (ok, not life-threatening, but very annoying)
7. You spend your free time calling "Ares!" hoping he'll pop up just like he does for Xena
6. You go on a quest to rid the world of sixes
5. You have a real sword...
4. ...And you bring it with you everywhere
3. You've gotten so desperate in your effort to summon Ares that you're willing to make a human sacrifice
2. You're starting to think everyone is possessed by the furies because they think you are crazy
1. You're beginning to think that you actually can do 20 ft. high flips


edit to keep site open hehe

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