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The voices again... (Insanity Lists)

Top Ten Signs you've had too much Henbane
10. Rocks are singing
9. And you feel the sudden urge to sing with them
8. Everything had gotten "Fuzzy"
7. For a brief moment you can forget the fact that Xena's over
6. It takes you 5 minutes to beat Joxer in a duel
5. You can taste colors...
4. Feel scents...
3. And see the wind
2. Joxer is starting to look handsome (If this has happened, don't worry, soon you will be dead from the amount of henbane you have eaten)
1. Joxer is starting to sound intelligent (Death is only moments away)

Top Ten Reasons to Eat Nutbead
10. Maybe if you eat nutbread you'll be more like Gabrielle
9. Everything becomes clearer when you're high *snicker*
8. XWP's over, you need help forgeting that...
7. Peer Pressure!
6. Maybe if I eat enough my pain will go away (Calisto's reason)
5. There is no 5 in the xenaverse, no wait, was it 5? Hmm... must've had to much nutbread...
4. Eating Nutbread makes you cool! *wink, wink*
3. It's a desperate attempt to get closer to your favorite show
2. Becuase the world was meant to be viewed in rainbow colors!
1. ~Takes a bite~ whoA! ThIs iS fUn

Top Ten Things I would do if I was an evil warlord
10. Develop an evil laugh
9. Constantly say cool lines like "Now it's your time to DIE!"
8. Write an autobiography about how my traumatic childhood turned me into a killer and make millions
7. Get me a nice cat and constanly stroke her while looking diabolical
6. Come up with overly complicated plans and tell all my servents so it leaks to the good person who's trying to kill me and then actually carry out plans that are smart and strategic
5. Wear black
4. Train Hamsters with Sharp Toothpicks to be my evil henchmen!
3. Actually make sure that the babies prothesized to kill me get killed and not just floated down a river
2. Torture my brother
1. Take over the world!

Top Ten Signs you're not quite Sane
10. You talk to yourself
9. And yourself talks back
8. You live to kill
7. People cringe when you laugh
6. Your eyes glow
5. You killed your psychiatrist when he acted insolent, by insisting you have an "anger management problem"
4. Only one thing brings you pleasure, death, that is other people's deaths
3. A demon is a good friend of yours
2. You get angry often, and when you get angry things DIE!
1. Your name is Callisto

Top Ten Things Callisto's Psychiatrist told her before he "passed away"
10. No matter how fun it may seem, burning things does not solve your problems
9. The helpless villagers have as much a right to live as you do
8. You need to decide, do you love Xena or hate her?
7. If you release your anger more often it will create less tension inside you
6. Manical laughter is a stress reliever, however, there are limits
5. Come on Cal, one or the other, love Xena or hate her?
4. Ok, what does this ink-blot remind you of?
Cal: Burning Villagers
Back to square one...
3. You have an anger management problem
2. Well, love or hate?
1. Don't worry, life will get bette... ack, no Callisto! We were making progres...

Top Ten Reasons Why Callisto Wouldn't be a Good Psychiatrist
10. Patients die when she gets mad
9. She can't deal with her own problems, how could she help others?
8. She doesn't want to help people
7. Her advice to kill those who annoy would give people the wrong idea
6. She generally makes her patients even crazier...
5. Callisto isn't good, she'd be an EVIL psychiatrist
4. Her fire therapy wouldn't go over well with the patients
3. Callisto already has a cult, who needs anything more?
2. She doesn't believe in Anger Management
1. Did I mention her dead patients?


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