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Reincarnation Lists

Top Ten Signs you're a Reincarnation of Gabrielle
10. Love to write stories
9. You hair changes colors
8. Your sport bras change colors
7. You sport bras shrink
6. You attract men, women, cute furry animals, ape men, killer bunnies, vampires, you name it
5. Your best friend once hacked off your hair
4. Your best friend once killed you
3. You kill your demon-child
2. You LOVE nutbread
1. Your instrument? the pan-flute...

Top Ten Signs you're a Reincarnation of Xena
10. You have jet black hair
9. And baby blue eyes
8. Your pet's name? Argo
7. You're always telling people to "Be Nice"
6. You refuse to count #6
5. Your favorite game? Frisbee
4. Your favorite swear? Damn it all to Hades!
3. You're always tossing off one-liners like "I have many skills"
2. You fence, very well
1. You feel a compelling need to do good, plus get a fresh young bard to follow you

Top Ten Signs you're a Reincarnation of Amarice
10. You always wear that annoying cap
9. Your motto? Fight first, think later...
8. Your goal in life is to be annoying...
7. And to kick everyone's ass!
6. You would have joined the millitary but you can't take orders from men...
5. This space is dedicated to Argo, go Argo!
4. Your skimpy clothes often make men try and "put the moves on you" which causes you to beat them up
3. Damned with them/Damned without them... you just can't decide...
2. Yes, your hair is that curly naturally
1. Temper, Pride, Annoyingness, you got them all...

Top Ten Signs you're a Reincarnation of Callisto
10. Your response to everything is "Such a beautiful day for a bloodbath..."
9. Your purpose in life is to torment others, especially scantly clad ass-kicking women
8. When you feel playful you screech
7. When you feel angry you screech
6. But mostly, when you feel evil you screech ;)
5. Anyone who tells you a dumb blonde joke gets spitted on your sword
4. Your life takes a sudden turn for the better when you discover a miracle drug, Prozac
3. You kill your psychiatrist when he insists burning stuff does not solve your problems
2. You have an amazing ability to get trapped under rock piles, and still remain unharmed...
1. What, the psychotic blonde hair wasn't a big clue?

Top Ten Signs you're a Reincarnation of Hope
10. You love the color red, blood red...
9. You love to torment your mother (But then again, who doesn't?)
8. You look exactly like your mother
7. You want from age 1-10 in about 20 minutes
6. Argo ate #6
5. Ew, what is that goo?
4. You're an incarnation of pure evil, don't you feel proud?
3. Two Words: Blood Sacrafice
2. Two Other Words: Lava Pit
1. Your hair is evil too, it never wants to behave, bad hair! Bad!


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