The Temple of Lilith and Lucifer

And She searched the darkness, coming upon the flame of knowledge, beholding therein Lucifer, who brings the light of wisdom from under the shroud of night. And She said unto Him, "Come, join me in my quest."

"What is this quest that I would join with thee?" Lucifer asked of Her.

"Lucifer, I desire life, I desire the very secrets of the Universe at the heart of all being, I desire life unending and unrestrained. I desire a consort to share this with. Will you not join your light to my quest?"

"Yes, I desire all this too," He said.
And so, together, they began their quest for life and eternity; and Night was upon the Universe.

Last Updated: December 20, 2008

Man created God in his own image, as the Father Creator, to fill the voids which his primitive understanding could not bridge in a guise which fit the limits of his perception.

In time the mystery of God came to fill those voids with belief over reason and dogma over thought, and faith became a blind adherence to the old ignorance over the new understanding.

But the theocracy went further. Those who understand that God was created by man to fulfill man's needs learned to wield the sword of faith as a weapon of power, and made of that power their law. Those who failed to understand where God came from, and who believe that God made man in his image and imposed a law from above, became slaves to the latter. This is the power of organized religion, call it Xianty, Judaism or Islam --- or Crusade,Nationalism, Ideology, Corporate mission or New World Order. The idea evolves but the premise is the same.

If you ask why I am not a Christian/Muslim/Jew/Nationalist/Ideolog I will say that I cannot walk the path of the smaller mind for the false peace of the lesser dream. If you ask why I am not an atheist I will say that the understanding of the Universe and the power of life cannot be limited within the scope of my mortal being, because the fullness of power lies in the ever expanding vista.

Then ask what I am and I will say, I am alive, as are you and this is my path. If you can see it you are not yet lost; but if you fear it then you are already dead.

Evangelical Christian belief is the latter over the former; and in their rapture they have no hope, for they worship the dead as they have become them.

When I open my mind to make a vessel of my soul, then all the universe opens before me - all is possible and nothing is denied: so is the open path.

When you seek it, you cannot find it.
When you no longer seek it, it is always within you.

�I admit that my visions can never mean to other men as much as they do to me. I do not regret this. All I ask is that my results should convince seekers after truth that there is beyond doubt something worth while seeking, attainable by methods more or less like mine. I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own way through the jungle.�

- Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Alleister Crowley

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