Physical Satanism

As Satanists we value pride not only as an outward expression of our dignity, self-respect and self-assurance: we experience it within ourselves as a source of true strength and power. Pride is a manifestation of our will; through our pride we set ourselves apart from the herd and embrace the power of the universe on our own terms. In the Lady Lilith, the Lord Lucifer and the other Dark Goddesses and Gods we access the transcendent power of guidance and experience; but from them we receive nothing. Rather, through their inspiration, we discover ever increasing levels of insight in direct proportion to the effort we invest in our own development (evolution). What we become we achieve through our will and by our pride in our efforts. On the dark path there is no gift of revelation; there is only effort and discovery. We do not adhere to the weakness of faith and the addling that comes from slavish submission to �revealed truth�. No! We revel in the strength of our won dedication: this, our dedication, is the expression of our pride which shapes our will to achieve, and evolve to higher levels of understanding and insight.

Physical Satanism is an outward expression of our pride, given form through the disciplined crafting of our physical being to express our inner strength and power. Physical Satanism means more than just the love of the sculpted, athletic body (though this may be a valid beginning point): Physical Satanism is a metaphor, a way we can discipline and shape our outward form to achieve a visual expression of our inner power esthetic. Just as we apply mental discipline to hone our inner being through study and meditation, so we apply discipline to hone the physical dimension of our being.

Through the disciplined crafting of our body we express our pride in ourselves. Few things build us up as the envy and admiration of others for our achievements. So, in the physical sense, we enjoy the rewards of our effort, and manifest the joy to be experienced in the free reign of our pride in the physical.

But in Physical Satanism we do more than just develop our pride. We promote our own health. Just as we choose the dark path for the furtherance of our mental and spiritual nature, so we too choose the dark path to promote our overall well being. It follows that a concern for our physical health is equally as important. Neglect of the body leads to illness � which leads to dependence � and a lack of energy � which depletes our potential in this life. Both are avenues of death, for the body and the soul. By investing effort and dedication in perfecting our physical form, we overcome that which would drag us down, and make the best of our ability to combat the mortal for as long as possible.

Sculpting of the body necessarily involves pain � pain born of effort and disciplined development. Physical Satanism embraces the pain � indeed longs for it as a joyous thing in itself � for by that pain we know our efforts are achieving; through each action that tests muscle and sinew we know that we reach beyond where we were, and stand one step closer to what we could potentially become. As in the spiritual sense, pain is the hallmark of evolution, of becoming greater.

The martial arts combine the physical and the mental into a disciplined program of development on both plains. Long ago I chose Tae Kwon-do as my path into the martial arts; and later I explored Ninjutsu. Both have become a part of my expression of Physical Satanism: I express Physical Satanism as much in the dojo as in the gym.

Originally, in both Tae Kwon do and Ninjutsu, young men were trained in unarmed combat techniques to develop strength, speed, and survival skills. The Koreans developed Tae Kwon do to fight back against their Japanese oppressors (outwardly and inwardly); the Ninja developed their art to endure against hardship imposed by their enemies and achieved through their art a special victory for themselves: that of being both feared by, yet needed, by their enemies. Both invested the pride and will of the practioners into a practical physical expression, one that was a reflection of their inner spiritual strength which stood them above the herd around them. In the same way the martial arts fit into the dark path, and as an expression of Physical Satanism.

Physical Satanism is the outward manifestation of our pride and our inner strength. It promotes our good health � necessary to our perseverance on the dark path - and through our dedication to it we experience an aspect of the discipline we require to surpass our fellows. Physical Satanism, in its expression, embodies the core strengths we draw upon to further our own evolution; and become
Homo Lilim, true children of our Dark Goddess.

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