Reflections on Satanic Unity
By Darian Alessandro

Unity of purpose doesn't necessarily mean there has to be one dominant mindset.

Instead I would think of this "Movement" more in terms of an alliance; people with distinct, maybe even contrasting ideas, about what Satanism means coming together to act together on our mutual behalf. Political parties and broad public interest groups do this all the time under what is known as "the big tent principle" - not everyone agrees about everything in the platform, but they all agree that they have enough common ground that they can work together in a way that serves all their interests.

In the case of Satanism, unless Satanists find a way of acting together as allies in our own interest, we risk being alienated and persecuted. Legitimate Satanists also risk being misrepresented by the ignorant, exploiters and our enemies in their terms - according to the Xian stereotype, or letting the public's image be framed by "posers." Like any group that has been on the fringes of the "mainstream" society, unless we speak-up for our rights, no one else will. Expending our energies on pointless fighting amongst ourselves only makes it easier for our enemies to keep us divided, and targets of their discrimination and misrepresentation.

Also, a Movement drawing together Satanists from all the varied traditions doesn't weaken or diminish them, - instead it provides a clearinghouse for learning, both for ourselves and as a potential source of information and guidance for those who are interested but otherwise denied access to information by prejudice or other imposed barriers.

Frankly bringing Satanists and others with varied ideas & beliefs together is a stimulating idea. I for one enjoy the opportunity to learn and to discuss. What we have to keep in mind is respect for others and acceptance of the right to disagree in a mature fashion. That in itself could provide a good example of how Satanists are intelligent people with something to say, who provide an alternative and not just mindless opposition. Wouldn't that be a superb thing for the Satanic flag to represent?


-to unify Satanists everywhere and create ssolidarity between groups.

-to promote the flag of Satanic Unity
-To put a stop to current infighting amongsst Satanic groups as this achieves nothing, save to weaken us and to strengthen our enemies.

-To promote Satanism as a viable lifestyle and/or religion rather than the rebel buzzword it is now

-To see Satanists portrayed in a realistic manner by the media and protest our negative, offensive and stereotyped portrayal by them

-To promote civil discussion between sataniists of all denominations and persuasions for the purposes of strengthening ourselves, ensuring our survival and the advancement of our paths.

-to end government and legal intevention inn private matters, recognizing the individuals right to live as they choose and to defend their lifestyle by any legal means necessary

-to support satanic candidates seeking locaal, county, state, federal/national positions

-to provide help and support, moral, emotioonal and where possible pracical, to those who are perecuted by for their Satanic beliefs

These are only rough and will be expaned and refined in the future.opinions and ideas are welcome.

By Baphomiss

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