The Eleven Insights that Offer Life and Renewal

DESIRE is the primal force of nature that unleashes all creativity, and from which all true inspiration derives. DESIRE is a powerful flood that crushes the false frontiers erected within the mind. In it�s a creative and natural force: DESIRE is the spirit of the Dark Lady and Lord loosened in the universe. It was through DESIRE that Lilith and Lucifer first brought forth life in the Universe. DESIRE is the beginning of all true power.

PRIDE offers you dignity, self-respect and self-assurance; PRIDE is that inner power which sets us you apart from the herd, manifesting your strength in your individuality. PRIDE demands that we be recognized as a power in our own right; that far from being subservient to a higher power, we are empowered from within to make our own destiny. PRIDE allows us to recognize within ourselves the innate potential of becoming that to which we most aspire. PRIDE allows us to conceptualize that which by our own power of WILL and strength of determination we can EVOLVE into. PRIDE teaches us that we have the power of Lilith and Lucifer within ourselves.

PRIDE teaches you not to love your enemy as yourself, but to love only yourself along with those you deem worthy. To turn the other cheek is to invite your own destruction -- in other words, suicide! PRIDE guides us to protect ourselves against those forces that would destroy us, and to understand that only from within can we find the WILL to survive and overcome. Therefore, by PRIDE we command our strength, we do that which we need to do unto others before they can act against us � so we take action as the circumstance requires to emerge victorious; for victory is strength, and strength is life! Defeat is weakness, which is death! Exulting in our PRIDE is the act of embracing the vitality of our life and making an unqualified affirmation of it.

WILL is the mental force of our being that allows us not only to determine our actions, but from which we draw the strength to overcome the world around us in the quest for our individual power. WILL, born of PRIDE, conditioned by determination, gives to us the inner clarity to fight for our becoming, our EVOLUTION. Our WILL alone is the guide for our action: �Do as thou WILT is the whole of the law.� By the force of our WILL alone acting against all who would oppose us and keep us down, we fight to stand above the herd and EVOLVE to the next level of being. The EVOLVED WILL of the Adept of the Dark Goddess and God is itself a manifestation of the growing, inner power of the liberated being. What we WILL ourselves to be, so shall we become.

EVOLUTION is the determining force of all nature, the embodiment of the universal force that guides all life. EVOLUTION is the expression of vital life manifest in all things. EVOLUTION embodies struggle, the force of determination and the power of the WILL, be it conscious or genetic, pit against anything that would restrain us. From EVOLUTION we understand that all progress - all becoming - is the product of struggle, and struggle is both natural and healthy. To participate in life is to embrace struggle, be it the survival of the fittest in forging victory against the limiting force of nature, or in the clash of WILL that gives birth to conflict. Progress to ever-greater levels of being can only be born of struggle and the overcoming of limitations by the force of WILL, fueled by PRIDE and DESIRE. They that deny EVOLUTION deny both nature and life itself; to deny EVOLUTION is to embrace the static emptiness of the grave, and therefore to be dead already.

REASON and JUDGMENT are the power of your WILL and PRIDE to guide your mind and shape your perception. Through study, reflection and experience we shape our mind and deepen our insight. When we question, when we reach into the inner and outer darkness, seeking to smash all false limits imposed upon us, we sharpen the katana blade that is our mind. As DESIRE, PRIDE and WILL bring you to a greater understanding of yourself and how the path of Lilith and Lucifer serves you, so your REASON and JUDGMENT grow akin. By applying your REASON and JUDGMENT you question all and accept none; you forge your higher individuality and shape your greater insight. REASON and JUDGMENT bring you to your greater awareness and allow you to shape your world and the relations within and without. By REASON and JUDGMENT you rule and are never ruled.

ENVY is fueled by DESIRE; to want what others have is a natural desire, eschew it not. To wish to take from those lower on the EVOLUTIONARY ladder is a predatory drive; to DESIRE what those above us have is to recognize the path to our own EVOLUTION and fulfillment. ENVY harnessed will lead you on the path of your own EVOLUTION. Setting your ENVY to the expression of your WILL shall bring you to greater fulfillment.

GREED is the WILL to survive and prosper. GREED is the drive for survival. GREED leads us to material security; but GREED for insight, for that which has been forbidden or obscured, allows us to discover the universe in its infinite power. GREED for knowledge therefore, leads to ever-greater understanding and deepening insight. GREED for the secrets of the Darkness will drive the Adept to ever question, and through this question achieve higher levels of personal power.

LUST is in your animal nature; LUST is a deep inner drive born of our DESIRE and the EVOLUTIONARY need to perpetuate ourselves. LUST leads to sexual expression and through it fulfillment of some of our deepest, innermost needs. Furthermore, she who is free in her sexuality soon finds the door open to liberation in other aspects of her life; thus LUST sows the seeds of our own EVOLUTION. Accept no limitations on your LUST, but indulge it freely as the gateway to your own inner growth. LUST is LIBERATION. But, LUST without JUDGMENT is folly.

Be a GLUTTON for yourself and your EVOLUTION. Be a GLUTTON of knowledge and experience to ever expand your WILL and be a GLUTTON to your DESIRE. Be a GLUTTON for strength and the overcoming of the herd, which brings liberation. Be a GLUTTON for ever increasing knowledge and deeper insight, but temper this GLUTTONY with your JUDGMENT.

Be not SLOTH by accepting another�s reasoning or WILL over your own. Act SLOTHFULLY before those who oppress you; let them dismiss you as lesser, while behind the armor of pretended SLOTH you build your strength and overcome their limitations. The acts of one who is filled with SLOTH can be a great weapon of misdirection, but become not SLOTH in the doing, for this will destroy you.

ANGER is a sword, not a hammer. Like DESIRE and LUST, ANGER releases the passions and crushes the false barriers erected in our mind. ANGER teaches us not to passively accept oppression or disrespect from another; ANGER motivates us to action when we are victimized. So cultivate your ANGER as you do your other passions. But, apply JUDGMENT to your ANGER. Use this power as a sharp point to pierce your enemy, not as a blunt force that loses power once expelled.

As an Adept of the Dark Goddess and God take into yourself these Ten Affirmations as guides to the path of your liberation:

I: Accept no other Deity as superior to you. Lilith and Lucifer are thy guides and teachers; the Dark Lady and Lord provide the example for how to achieve your EVOLUTION and liberation. They are more evolved than you, but They desires that you become your own Goddess or God.

II: Build your idols to that which you find most beautiful, most pleasing or most inspirational; empower your idols with the powers of your own DESIRE, PRIDE, WILL. And JUDGMENT. Your idols will serve as a mirror that reflects your inner strength back to you; and like an oasis in the desert will refresh your being when the sun has baked you dry.

III: Denounce all religion based on faith; question all laws and all philosophies. Accept no limitations upon you, for your true strength is the freedom of your mind and the liberation of your WILL. Remember that rules are the barriers of the weak - limitations set for fools.

IV: Live as you choose, do as you WILT. This is the whole of the law.

V: You are your own authority, and the powers of your WILL and JUDGMENT your true guides. Embrace that which will serve your EVOLUTION, discard all that will pull you down to death. Eschew the herd that would rob you of your life; honor no one who puts weakness for strength.

VI: Turning the other cheek is suicide; be not afraid to defend yourself. Value life - but never at the expense of your own. Use JUDGMENT in all your actions.

VII: Give full release to your LUST, and revel in its delights. For in passion will you unleash your DESIRE and this is your right and the glory of your liberation.

VIII: Take what you need, accept no restrictions disguised as laws � these are for the weak. Conscience is but a word that cowards use, to keep the strong in awe. Your WILL is your strength, your JUDGMENT the voice of REASON that alone determines those limitations which you place on yourself.

IX: The truth is what you make it; a lie can be a powerful weapon to confuse an enemy or mislead a persecutor. Remember that all things change with time; there are no �universal truths�, just ever changing perceptions. Use your JUDGMENT in all things; do not loose yourself in your own lie.

X: Coveting all that your neighbour has may be inspirational, remember that strength can be found in your ENVY and fulfillment in your GREED. Apply your JUDGMENT in this as in all matters, do what will serve you best. Better to make your neighbours covetous of what is yours, and in so doing exceed what they are capable of.

The Choice is Yours!

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