What is Hell?

Is it fire?


Does it burn?



Burning in the fire of hell, bathing in the unquenchable lake of energy,
this is the spiritual ORGASM of connecting with the very power nexus of the universe!

My meditations have taken me across the threshold as far as a sea of energy (which could be "seen" as flames) but which does not burn you, rather it is the energy of higher form burning througout the universe, the essence of life. In order to exist there you need to develop your mind and spirit through stages of life and personal evolution: this is the purpose of reincarnation, you go through earth-bound cycles during which you develop your mind and spirit, with each life you become stronger until you are ready to cross-over. This to me is part of the message of Lady Lilith and Lord Lucifer -- why you must focus on your evolution and build your being as self-sufficient and insightful.

The poison that destroys this is conformity and the mind-numbing (and evolutionary destruction) of conformist, faith based beliefs. Those who do not sufficiently evolve in a life die and come to an end, because they do not have the strength to carry on. There is no convenient heaven for them to slip into.

"The flames" are a point where you transcend into something greater than physical life, yet even there you continue to evolve and grow.

This is neither "proven" nor "faith"; it is as I have experienced it and learned. The experience of your path might be quite different but, I think, the only suffering in the afterlife is that which you bring on yourself.

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