Revealing the secrets of Leonardo's Luciferian symbols - the real Da Vinci code

From the back cover of The Secret History of Lucifer

"In her revelatory new account of an old religion, Lynn Picknett explains that Lucifer literally means "the light bringer" and that ancient Luciferian cults believed in the enlightenment of humankind and the deepening of human knowledge.

"Lucifer was a personification of the Morning Star, the planet Venus and its goddess. "He" was therefore originally "she" - a divine representation of love, light and human warmth. Indeed, many ancient goddesses were known as Lucifera - an honour extended to Mary Magdalene in her true role as goddess-worshipping priestess and Christ's successor.

"The early Christian Church appropriated the name Lucifer to give to the archangel who was banished from heaven, and it later became synonymous with darkness and the Devil. Yet throughout history many great thinkers have covertly followed the old Luciferian way, and most famous of them all was Leonardo da Vinci. He encrypted the symbols of his heretical beliefs in his work, visible only to those who have the key."

Lynn Picknett has a worldwide following, and her biography of Mary Magdalene (2003) has become an international bestseller.

Mark Dice Interviews Lynn Picknett

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