As I see it, "Devil Worship" is a pejorative term which is used by others not just to ridicule Satanism (along with all other dark path beliefs); but also to de-legitimize it as a "proper" belief � one worthy of "rights" and "respect". By calling all non-traditional, dark path � and even (non-LHP/dark path) beliefs such as neo-paganism, Wiccans and other path witches � "Devil Worshippers", "mainstream language" makes an effort to marginalize these beliefs. It would be like calling football fans "pigskin lovers"; focusing in on one (non-central) aspect and raising it to be a representation of the whole belief/avocation in one derogatory expression.

This is an example of language being molded into a weapon: the very meaning and use has ideological connotations.

According to the Oxford dictionary the Devil is defined as "[the] supreme spirit of evil" and/or "[a] cruel or annoying person." Devil worshippers then would be devotees of the supreme evil.

So, who or what is the "real" Devil?

If we take the term Devil to mean as above, then the Judeo-Christian-Islamic "god" qualifies. Acting as a god (or, if you prefer, those acting in its name) this entity has manifested itself upon the world as the supreme spirit of evil in a most cruel and annoying way. From creating the concept of "sin", through to the imposition of anti-human "divine laws" the JCI god (and/or its adherents) have made "evil". Through a vague (and often contradictory) codification which creates sufficient ambiguity of interpretation in such a way that it tends to set people against one another (creating the conditions for discrimination and sectarian conflict) � this god�s evil is experienced by everyone on this planet in one form or another. (This god is indeed everywhere � but not in the benign sense its adherents would have you think).

The JCI god, and not Lucifer or Satan, transgressed by imposing its negative intent upon others, and by "rebelling" against the right/enlightened/open path. The JCI god set the sky on itself, and turned the tears of joy into the bitter dregs of despair. This was the act of aggression, spite and rage rolled into a crushing hammer of oppression. In accord with the JCI doctrine (the Xian branch in particular) �god� qualifies to be identified as the Devil. It follows then, that the "true" Devil worshippers are the followers of the JCI god. This would make Mohammed, the popes and all of the evangelists out there the real Devil worshippers.

The JCI god further qualifies as the Devil under the expression "Prince of Lies", which the JCI followers often attribute to Satan. Like all arch propagandist, this god (and/or its adherents) have spun their message into that of "good" and characterized what opposes it as "evil". In so doing they have taken the attributes, actions and attitudes of their god and imposed them on those who disagree with their religion- creating an all-purpose figure of "evil" in their "Devil" who is � in reality � their god. Truly, the Prince of Lies and misdirection; yet this is what JCI adherents worship as the font of virtue and "goodness".

There are people who worship "the Devil" as an inversion of the JCI god; for them this is an act of rebellion and it should not necessarily be gainsaid by those of us who reject the straight-jacket of the JCI cosmos. It opens minds; many people who discover the liberation of Satanism must first come out from under the JCI fog, and do so in the beginning by choosing "Devil worship." In some way it is the cocoon which incubates the true opening of the spirit (my personal experience).

However, as an avocation or cosmic view, this kind of "mirror JCI" falls into the straight jacket imposed by JCI religion, never really breaking out of the fog. Taken from a certain point of view, the JCI god, having trapped its followers in a propaganda structure of good and evil, then ensnares the rebels by creating a ready made trap into which they can fall. Rebel against it by worshipping its polar opposite � whose myth was nurtured to sustain the view of the JCI god as the "good father" and "lord" � you do not truly reject the JCI god, rather you remain within its "realm" by following its rules and never truly breaking free. That is the trap of inverted JCI, and how its existence serves to further the JCI end.

That is my take on the true identity of the Devil and the true meaning of the term Devil worship(per).

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