The Adept’s Creed

1. The Dark Goddess and God, Lilith and Lucifer , open the path to self-fulfillment through self-understanding.

2. Only by journeying through the darkness within us and without can we attain self-divinity and thus fulfill the potentiality of our existence.

3. Our rites, ceremonies and practices are all life-affirming , and show us the ecstasy of existence and the self-overcoming of the true Adept.

4. We are feared because we defy and eschew acceptance for understanding. We rejoice in living: in all its pleasures but most particularly in its possibilities. We thus extend the frontiers of evolution while others sleep or cry.

5. We detest all that enervates and would rather die than submit to anyone or anything - this PRIDE is the PRIDE of Lilith and Lucifer; the Dark Goddess and God together are our symbol of defiance and a sign of our life-enhancing energy. Others see our way of living and our way of dying and are afraid.

6. When we hate we hate openly and with arrogance. When we love, we love with a burning and unrestrained passion: always mindful never to love anyone so much that we cannot see them die in body, for death of the body is but a natural changing of energies.

7. We prepare - through our magick and our ways of living - for the Age of Fire, the Aeon of Darkness which is to come, when we who have reached into the dark shall reach out toward the stars and the galaxies and the new challenges that together Lilith and Lucifer will bring forth.

8. Our way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few who can truly defy the illusions that stifle the potentiality of our being. Conflict is the natural expression of evolution and struggle the harbinger of greatness.

9. Desire is the doorway to our transcendence from this existence to a higher plane. Desire drives us to explore, and in exploring with mind and body we exceed what we were and look to what we could become.

10. Sexual expression is a gift, and the greatest manifestation of our desires. It is a vital force of our nature as beasts of the field and spurs us to cast-off the bonds of convention. Lilith and Lucifer gave to us the secret of our sexual drive that we might be free! Therefore embrace it, allow no one to set limits upon it - for you are free to desire and partake in all that you can imagine.

11. What does not kill us, makes us stronger. What kills our body, empowers our spirit. We would rather die than surrender.

12. Hell is not an end, but our beginning. The celestial fire inspires us as we embrace it - for it is the energy that blazons within and without us, fueling the power of our destiny.

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