This page is dedicated to exploring and uprooting the myths surrounding the JCI doctrine which, when closely examined, is made-up of powerful elements, symbols, rituals and myths taken from other traditions. Added to that has been nearly two thousand years of distortion designed to take what was a single ethnic belief structure and impose upon it universal values and "truths."

What this demonstrates is that the "divine word" that the fundamentalists preach as the source of all "truth" and the "revealed word of god" is no more that than any compendium of ancient myths and legends. Careful study and examination of the actual roots of the JCI belief uncover that the whole ethos upon which western religion is a fiction: a syncretic mixture of other ideas and ritual forms taken out of their cultural context and re-designed to promote a "spiritual" vision that focuses upon death over life; mortification of the soul over the glory of living your life and exploring the full spiritual, intellectual and emotional power of your being.

In today's world fundamentialists and theocrats the world over preach the message of "values" and the socio-political doctrine of following "the will of god" and reclaiming "cultural war" for a more "god-centred" and "holy" world.

What this page presents are links to essays and studies which uncover the true origins of the JCI religion, and expose the "sacred word" as sacred plagiarism and in the end make a mockery of the idea that the bible is "holy writ."

Most importantly, if their message is based on stolen and twisted ideas, and their "holy book" represents a compendium of mis-represented ideas and fiction, how then can their claim to "divine guidance" or "true values" have any justified claim? It is a question they will never address, because to do so would undermine their entire faith structure.

Rather, it is for us who have freed ourselves of the ancient myth to explore its roots and draw attention to the falsity of their theocratic claims. That is what these links do, provide a connection to uncovering the evidence and giving light to the "word" as it really is.

Both Islam and Christianity "were in agreement with the basic outlook of the ancient Egyptians in that they also promised eternal life; they could therefore appear to a very ancient attitude of mind. We can say whether Egyptian mummies may not have had something to do with the Christian concept of 'resurrection of the flesh', which belongs neither to the Old Testament religion nor to that of the earliest Christians, let alone to that of the Greeks?

Jesus is supposed to be good, the son of the god who represents pure light and goodness. That's what they teach in Sunday school; that's what the Bible says. Or does it? As I've discussed elsewhere, who is the real "devil" in all this?

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