Name: Sesshomaru
Form: Demon
Age: Unknown
Family: Father dead, mother unknown, younger half brother Inuyasha
Love Interest: None
Weapons/powers: Dokkasou (Toxic Flower Claw), Dokumukou (Paralyzing Potion), Tenseiga, Tokujin which can perform Kenatsu (Sword Blast)

Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's ruthless older half brother who feels absolutely no brotherly love towards him. In fact, he's tried to kill Inuyasha on countless occasions, originally because he wanted to Tetsusaiga. But he gave that up after he realized that the Tetsusaiga can only be wielded by someone with compassion for humans - definetly not him. Now he basically wanders around and wants to kill Naraku because Naraku tried to manipulate him.

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