Okay so here's the deal with Inuyasha's forms. I know at first I was really confused about this since I hadn't seen all the episodes. Inuyasha is a hanyou, or half-demon, because his father was a powerful dog demon and his mother was a human woman. Inuyasha is normally in his hanyou form, a.k.a. when he has white hair, dog ears and claws.

However on the night of the new moon he becomes human, and only returns to his hanyou state when the sun rises the next day. When he becomes human he loses his ears, claws and his hair turns black. In addition when he becomes human he loses all his special powers, like his claw attacks.

Inuyasha's third form is his demon form. If Inuyasha is ever in a life-threatening situation and is not holding his Tetsusaiga, his demon blood will take over his body and he will transform. However his father's pure demon blood is too strong for his hanyou body to handle, so when Inuyasha transforms he loses all of his memories and he doesn't even know who he is. He basically becomes a fighting machine who will kill anything in sight until he is unconcious or dead. He doesn't even feel pain in his demon form, just a desire to kill. In addition if Inuyasha transforms too many times his soul will be consumed by the demon blood and he will never be able to change back to his real self. This is why Inuyasha's father left him the Tetsusaiga. He wanted Inuyasha to be strong enough so that he would never have to transform to defend himself. When Inuyasha is in his demon form he is much more powerful. He has longer claws, fangs, purple streaks on his cheeks and his eyes turn red.

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