Episode 38: Two Hearts, One Mind - Pining and Reunion (Entire Episode)

Back home with her family Kagome is in a bad mood as she goes about her normal routine, and in the feudal era Inuyasha is whining to Kaede about Kagome. At school Kagome's friends show her a girl that has been hanging around Hojo, and they urge her to stand up for herself. Kagome replies, "but it's not like I'm going steady with Hojo or anything."

Then, convinced that she's seeing someone else, they corner her after after school and ask her what kind of guy she's seeing.

Kagome: So...it's a stupid creep! He's rough and moody and selfish! And he gets soooo jealous!

Eri: But getting jealous must mean he cares about you.

Yuki: Oh, then everything's going well with him. Geez, I though it was going to be juicier than this.

Ayumi: So it's okay then. He really cares only for you.

Kagome: I'd be happy if that were the case. But he hasn't been able to forget the woman he loved long ago. That's right! Now that I think about it Inuyasha still cares about Kikyo...so why does he always get jealous over me?

Eri: So Kagome, you're being chased with wild passion!

Kagome: I know! He even tried to kill someone who approached me!

Ayumi: Hey!

Yuki: What's with this guy?!

Kagome: Huh?

Ayumi: Why are you seeing a fellow like that?!

Yuki: You must leave him!

Ayumi: Don't ever see him again!

Kagome: Err...but...

Yuki: Mean and selfish, right?

Ayumi: And he gets jealous, right?

Kagome: Err...yes...but he has good qualities. He can be very gentle...and he's strong and reliable.

Ayumi: Kagome...

Yuki: Do you...love this fellow?

Kagome: Love? Inuyasha?

Eri: You must love this guy, Kagome.

Kagome: I...I love Inuyasha?

Meanwhile Inuyasha has gone down the well angrily with the intention of making Kagome apologize. He sneaks into her room to find that she isn't there. He pauses in the middle of her room looking around and says, "This room...is filled with Kagome's scent." Then Sota walks in and catches him off guard.

After Inuyasha admits he came to visit Sota asks if they had a fight since, "Sis has been in such a bad mood." Upon hearing this Inuyasha looks bashful and thinks, "So she's still angry? Man, can she hold a grudge!" At that moment Kagome comes home and Sota begins to yell that Inuyasha is here, but Inuyasha clamps his hand over Sota's mouth and says, "Do not tell Kagome I was here...it's a man-to-man promise!" and leaves.

Kagome goes to take a bath and thinks she may be at fault because Inuyasha had come to rescue her and she stood by Koga. Meanwhile in the feudal era Inuyasha is sitting by the well sulking while Miroku, Sango and Shippo are watching very amused.

The next day at school Hojo asks Kagome if she wants to go see a movie with him this weekend. She is thinking of a way to say no when Ayumi and Yuki run over and say she'll go, and Hojo walks away pleased.

Kagome: Hey, why'd you do that?!

Yuki: An average guy like Hojo is just right for you!

Ayumi: Yes! Someone stubborn and rough is not someone you should be seeing! Or your future will be ruined!

Kagome: Are they talking about Inuyasha?

Yuki: Now get this! You're going to the movie!

Kagome: Oh...

After school Kagome walks to the well with her backpack all ready to go, but pauses at the well thinking, "Inuyasha is probably still mad at me. He's the type to hold a grudge. It's no good. If I go back now, we'll only fight." And she walks out. However in the feudal era Inuyasha is staring down the well remembering sadly how Sota said Kagome was in a bad mood.

Inuyasha: *sighs*

Shippo: Inuyasha! *pops out of nowhere*

Inuyasha: *yells and jumps back* Don't pop out at me like that!

Shippo: Just go and get her! Kagome will forgive you!

Inuyasha: What're you saying?! You sound like it's all my fault!

Shippo: It is your fault! Don't you still suspect Kagome?!

Inuyasha: *stands up remembering how Kagome held Koga, then sits down sighing*

Shippo: Kagome did indeed protect Koga and helped him escape. Koga is your enemy. And she was kidnapped by him and suffered! Yet she helped him! *becomes confused* That's right, Kagome's the one who suffered most at Koga's hands. So why did she take his side? *leans towards Inuyasha* Inuyasha...do you think that maybe Kagome really did fall in love with Koga?

Inuyasha: *pissed* Don't ask me! If you're gonna try to reason with me get your facts straight first! *stands up and grabs Shippo* Why don't you go someplace far away?! *throws Shippo away*

Later Inuyasha is walking in the village and Shippo follows him and says that he should talk with Kaede about what to do since Kaede has a lot of expirience with life. Inuyasha objects but then Shippo convinces him to come along and he will ask Kaede saying it's about a dog friend of his.

In Kaede's hut...

Shippo: Actually...I want some advice about a dog friend of mine.

Kaede: Dog?

Inuyasha: Not me! *sulks*

Kaede: And? What of this dog friend of yours?

Shippo: Well...this dog...likes this cat. *holds up pictures* But, a wolf appeared! And fell in love at first sight with the cat. Naturally, the dog and wolf fought each time they met. One day, the wolf stole the cat from under the dog. However...demons who hated the wolf appeared, and the wolf was hurt badly. The dog who came to rescue the cat also defeated all the demons. The dog wanted to punish the injured wolf too, but the cat protected the wolf and let it escape! The cat was only trying to help the injured wolf, but the dog suspected that the cat had feelings for the wolf! So the cat got very angry and went back to her homeland. So that's the story. How can we get the cat and dog to be friends again?

Kaede: Hmm...first the dog must acknowledge his mistake.

Inuyasha: *jumps up* Why?!

Kaede: Why are you so upset? Isn't this about Shippo's dog friend?

Inuyasha: Er...well...continue. *sits down again*

Kaede: Probably, the cat is longing for the dog to come get her. The dog and cat have misunderstood each other. That's why nothing can be resolved. First, they have to see each other. Then they must talk it over well. That's the fastest solution.

Inuyasha: *walks out*

*Kaede and Shippo grin at each other*

Back in modern day Japan, Kagome is doing her homework and Sota is playing with the cat on her bed.

Sota: Sis, how long are you doing to stay?

Kagome: Why? Can't I stay? I'm busy with my studies. I can't always be going to the feudal era.

Sota: But you always do.

Kagome: That's because Inuyasha comes to get me.

Sota: Maybe he won't come anymore.

Kagome: *breaks her pencil* How can you say that?! Get out of here!

Sota: *scrambles out* You're always so angry, that's why he won't come!

Kagome: Because I'm always angry... *sets her alarm and gets into bed* I'll just get up early and study. I can't concentrate. The bedding feels so good! I can't sleep like this over there. I sort of can...Inuyasha watches over me. I wonder what he's doing now.

She falls asleep and after a few hours Inuyasha climbs in her window and goes over to her.

Inuyasha: Shucks! She's asleep!

Kagome: *in sleep* Inuyasha...

Inuyasha: *shocked* She's talking in her sleep. Is she dreaming about me?

Kagome: Sit.

Inuyasha: *falls to ground* This woman! What is she dreaming?!

*alarm clock starts to ring*

Inuyasha: *flips out and grabs the clock trying to stop it*

Kagome: *still asleep, feeling around for her alarm clock* Just remember this... *wakes up* My alarm clock is gone. Huh? *sees the open window* Could it have been Inuyasha? *sees his feet prints by her bed* He was here.

The next day at school Kagome tells Hojo she won't be able to go to the movies with him and says he should take the girl that was following him around. Hojo thinks she was jealous and laughs, saying he'll ask her some other time. Kagome just weakly smiles and thinks, "I wish Inuyasha had your confidence." In the feudal era Inuyasha is sitting on the hill by the well looking at the sky and sighing. Hearing something, he turns around and sees Kagome walk up.

Inuyasha: *shocked* K-Kagome...!

Kagome: *smiling* I came back. *sits next to him* Inuyasha won't apologize. If I say it first then everything will be all right. Say, Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: *grumbling* Sorry.

Kagome: Eh?

Inuyasha: Why're you looking like that? You're still angry, right?

Kagome: Uh...no...not anymore. I'm sorta glad that you apologized so graciously.

Inuyasha: *pulls out the broken alarm clock* Oh...you sure?

Kagome: You apologized about breaking this clock?

Inuyasha: What else is there to apologize for?

Kagome: *stands up furious* You are sooo...!

*Miroku, Sango and Shippo who have been watching run out*

Miroku: Kagome!

Shippo: Kagome!

*Miroku and Sango grab Kagome's arms*

Miroku: Please calm down.

Inuyasha: *startled* W-what're you doing?!

Shippo: Inuyasha is truly repentant!

Sango: He went to get you twice! And since you left, all he's done is sigh.

Kagome: Two times?

Inuyasha: Nuff already! *stands up* And you guys! How do you know I went over there?!

Sango: Well...

Miroku: Look, she came back. Just apologize nicely.

Inuyasha: *furious* Shut up! *begins chasing the three of them around*

Sango: Forgive us, Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: No way!

Shippo: We were just worried about you!

Inuyasha: None of your business, stupid!

Miroku: We were worried!

Kagome: *looking on confused*

Kaede: *walks up* Forgive him. He's so excited. He's happy that you've returned, Kagome.

Kagome: *smiles*

Inuyasha: I'm not wrong!

Miroku: This calls for Kazaana!

Inuyasha: *leaps into the air* Try to suck me in!

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