Episode 56: Temptress in the Mist - Perfect Mood

Sango has just helped Miroku defeat a demon impersonating a priestess, and she feels depressed.

Miroku: Sango... *sits down next to her* What's the matter?

Sango: Miroku...you really didn't need me there.

Miroku: No such thing! You're the one who destroyed the demon.

Sango: Only because you helped me.

Miroku: No, I relied on your help. Because I believed in your strength.

Inuyasha: You're imagining things! Sango wouldn't fall in love with that lecher!

Kagome: Why not? Look at that mood!

Inuyasha: So what is "mood" anyway?

Miroku: Sango, you came because you were worried for my safety right?

Sango: Well...that's...of course, I was worried! When it comes to women, you don't discriminate. I was sure you'd get into trouble.

Miroku: Forgive me. I just couldn't ignore a woman who might be grieving.

Sango: *leans in* I'm not jealous or anything!

Miroku: *takes her hand*

Sango: *shocked*

Shippo: Ah!

Kagome: That's what you call "mood". Mood!

Miroku: More than any woman your concern for me makes me happiest.

Sango: *blushes and turns away* Hey! What're you saying?! Oh no! What'll I do?!

Kagome: Go for it Sango!

Miroku: Sango? *rubs her butt*

Sango: That hand...why not touch my shoulders...or somewhere more... Don't you know anything else! *slaps him*

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