Episode 20: Despicable Villain! The Mystery of Onigumo - Kagome Impersonation

Inuyasha has sent Kagome back to her own time, and Miroku and Kaede have locked Inuyasha in a shed with Shippo so his wounds will heal.

Inuyasha: *banging on the door* Why must I be sealed in?! Open!

Shippo: *in Kagome's form* Please Inuyasha, be still and rest! Your wound isn't healed yet!

Inuyasha: *turns around shocked* Kagome...!

Shippo: Eh-heh-heh...would you like me to sleep with you?

Inuyasha: *notices Shippo's tail* Shippo...why you...! *starts kicking Shippo* Don't you dare disguise yourself like that again!

Note: Okay, so it's not actually an Inuyasha & Kagome moment, but Inuyasha's reaction shows what he would feel if it was actually Kagome...and I just think it's cute.

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