Episode 52: The Demon's True Nature - I Understand

While trying to help a village attacked by bandits led by a demon, Inuyasha's demon blood took over and he slaughtered all of the bandits mercilessly. Now, disgusted with himself, he's trying to wash away the scent of blood from his hands, while Kagome looks on.

Inuyasha: Damn! I can't wash away the smell of blood! It's sickening! *gets out of the water and sits down*

Kagome: *sits next to him*

Inuyasha: *turns his head away*

Kagome: *hands him a towel* Here, a towel.

Inuyasha: No thanks.

Kagome: *looks away*

Inuyasha: You don't have to force yourself to stay by me.

Kagome: *looks at him*

Inuyasha: What?! Everyone's been tiptoeing around me! Now get this! It doesn't bother me! I don't give a damn what I did!

Kagome: Inuyasha...

Inuyasha: *turns away*

Kagome: It must be hard. *leans against Inuyasha's back with her hands on his shoulders* Inuyasha...I understand.

Inuyasha: Kagome... *takes her hand* I don't remember a thing while I was transformed. This has never happened before. The next time I transform I may use these claws, Kagome, to tear you up.

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