Episode 58: Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part 2 - Inuyasha's Death

Kagome has just shot Tokajin's Shikon Jewel shards out of his back and they have gone into the tree.

Tokajin: *runs towards Kagome*

Kagome: *tries to back up but she's on the edge of the cliff*

Tokajin: How dare you!

Inuyasha: *running after him* Get down Kagome!

Kagome: *falls to the ground*

Inuyasha: *rams into Tokajin and falls off the cliff with him*

Kagome: Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: *stares at her as he falls* Kagome!

Kagome: *runs to the edge of the cliff staring at him* Inuyasha! Inuyasha!

Tokajin: *as he's falling* Serves you right! With a mortal's body, you'll die too.

Inuyasha: Maybe so... But...atleast, if Kagome is alive...

Kagome: *crying* Inuyasha! Inuyasha!

*The tree absorbs the Shikon shards and it's roots grow, grabbing the falling Tokajin and Inuyasha*

Tokajin: Oh! Human-faced Fruit Tree! You're rescuing me!

Tree: No! I just don't want to lose precious nourishment!

Tokajin: W-what?!

Tree: *wraps its roots entirely around Tokajin* Now I've attained it! The freedom of movement! I have ample shards of the Shikon Jewel now. And I am all-powerful! *moves towards Inuyasha* Now then half-demon, become one with me! *completely wraps Inuyasha*

Inuyasha: Damn...daybreak at last!

Tree: *laughs* I never though I'd get a half-demon as well! Everything will go as planned now!

Inuyasha: No way! *now in hanyou form, slashes through the roots with Tetsusaiga* Prepare to die, Tokajin! Or should I say...Tree of the Human-faced Fruit!

Tree: Just try, half-demon! *extends its vines*

Inuyasha: Take this! Kaze no Kizu! *destroys the tree and catches the Shikon shards* Alright!

Back ontop of the cliff Miroku and Shippo have returned to their normal size.

Shippo: Yes! We're back to normal!

Miroku: Tokajin probably died, undoing his spells. Those men in the box garden have probably reverted back, too.

Kagome: Tokajin is dead?

Shippo: Then Inuyasha too...?

Kagome: N-no! *kneeling*

Miroku: When Inuyasha fell, it was still dark...dawn hadn't broken yet. He probably...died...

Shippo: *starts crying* Inuyasha is dead!

Kagome: No! Inuyasha is alive!

Shippo: But he was hurt badly and no mortal could survive a fall from a cliff like this!

Miroku: Don't cry Shippo. Let us pray for his repose.

Kagome: Miroku...

Miroku: Inuyasha had no regrets. He wanted to save you, even if it cost him his life.

Kagome: To save me? As if that makes me happy! *clenches her fists* He had no demon power, yet he acted so foolishly! *starts crying and yelling* Inuyasha was stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Inuyasha! What good is it if he's dead?! What am I to do from now?!

Inuyasha: *walks up behind them*

Miroku: Yes, he was foolish.

Shippo: Yes, he was! Inuyasha was the biggest fool in the world!

Inuyasha: Hey! You guys...just because I'm not around...call me "fool" and "stupid" will ya?!

Shippo: *jumps on Inuyasha* You're alive Inuyasha!

Miroku: I knew you wouldn't die so easily.

Kagome: Thank goodness!

Inuyasha: I ain't so easy to kill! Stop thinking rubbish!

Kagome: *turns around angrily* Did you say "rubbish"?! Of course we worried!

Inuyasha: *taken back* W-what-!

Kagome: *goes to him* We knew you were overtaxing yourself!

Shippo: *jumps off Inuyasha*

Inuyasha: But I'm alive, so what's the big deal?! Stop crying!

Kagome: *grabs him and shakes him* I'm not crying!

Inuyasha: You are!

Kagome: I'm not!

Inuyasha: You are!

Kagome: Am not!

Inuyasha: You are!

Kagome: Am not!

Inuyasha: You are!

Kagome: Am not!

Inuyasha: You are!

Kagome: Quiet! Sit!

Inuyasha: *falls to the ground*

Shippo: He's dead.

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