Episode 58: Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part 2 - Bath Rescue

Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku and Shippo have all been captured by the evil sage, Tokajin. It's the night of the new moon, so Inuyasha is in his human form. He managed to break free from Tokajin's prison, with some help from Miroku, who has been shrunk along with Shippo, after he saw that Tokajin had Kagome's clothes and Shikon Jewel shards. Kagome, meanwhile, has awoken to find herself in a bath by herself.

Kagome: *waking up* What's this sweet smell? *realizes she has no clothes on* Aaah! W-where am I?

Inuyasha: *breaks the door down* Kagome!

Kagome: *stands up happily* Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: *stares at her*

Kagome: *stares at him*

Inuyasha: *realizes she has no clothes on* Uhh...

Kagome: *screams and turns around*

Inuyasha: *turns around blushing* She's alive! *sits down*

Kagome: *gets out of the bath covering herself up* Inuyasha, are you alright?

Inuyasha: Hah! These are mere scratches. *takes off his red coat and throws it to her* It's torn up, but wear it. *still blushing*

Kagome: Okay, thanks.

Inuyasha: *gets up, then collapses*

Kagome: *runs to him* Inuyasha! He's a mortal right now, yet he tried to do so much. *leans down and hugs him*

*Miroku and Shippo appear in Inuyasha's hair*

Miroku: Err...we're here too.

Kagome: *blushes and screams*

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