Episode 29: Sango's Suffering and Kohaku's Life - Bathing Incident

Kagome and Sango are talking while bathing.

Sango: In order to break the curse of the Sacred Jewel we must first destroy Naraku. Do you understand that... *picks up a stone* you over there? *stands up and throws the stone into the bushes, hitting a small animal*

Kagome: *stands up* Huh?!

Sango: A monkey?

*Inuyasha and Miroku come over*

Inuyasha: Hey! What's the ruckus?!

*Kagome and Sango beat them up*

Inuyasha and Miroku are back at the fire wounded...

Shippo: For once, you were really talking seriously.

Inuyasha: Why'd they have to suspect me, too?!

Miroku: So what? That was a wonderful sight we just saw.

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