Haven, City of Violence Quotes

  9/6/04 and 9/9/04
  11/1/04 and 11/8/04


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  Index Stock

Resort to violence.

    Andrew C: Zack
    Jim: El Seed
    Sarah: Natasha (Collateral Damage)
    Andrew F: Boris (Maurice)
    Sara: Lei Feng
    Amy: Monica (Princess)
    Morgan: GM



    On leaving things out too long:
    Andrew C: It's death fudge.
    Morgan: Chinese fighting fudge.

    On our luck:
    Sara: I think Jim's the only one who got hired and he's not here.

    On Lei Feng's soul:
    Morgan: No, [your soul] is a dead baby. Oh, I'm sorry, it was the one kicked through the inky blackness.

    On where Lei Feng might have been:
    Sarah: Well, maybe she got hold of that real Blue Ice and was having a good time. Can't fault having a good time.
    Andrew C: Now she's just smoking candles.

    On "snap!"
    GM: Actually, [Shen's] sword is really cool.
    Sarah: At least someone in this group has a cool sword.

    On creature powers:
    Morgan: What? Your brother hasn't lost any charisma.
    Sara: (as L.F's brother) I am a gorilla.

    On bad choices:
    GM: (to Monica) Anything productive?
    Amy: [fakes sex noises badly]

    On how to deal with Jug:
    Andrew C: Slip him some Rohipnol, because he isn't a Rohipnol master, he's a drunken master.

    On becoming Jug's student:
    Andrew F: Lei Feng? Not listen?
    Andrew F and Andrew C: Never!

    On Player Character boyfriends:
    Andrew C: We have Sebastiano, Giovanni, and now Jug!

    On being known as Lei Feng Viridian:
    Amy: So [Jug's] not attracted to you anymore.

    On Gothic kinky: After Jug says that in a past life Lei Feng was killed by her love:
    Amy: So stay away from your brother.

    On those alliterations:
    Morgan: Like a Polynesian pig [Lei Feng] roots after the jug.

    On whether Sara has a cell phone:
    Amy: When you pass out in a bar and wake up in someone else's apartment you often don't have what you started with.
    Andrew C: Like panties.

    On overhearing conversations:
    Ryu: If you're going to point that at me, you might well use it, we don't want to go through that again.

    On directness:
    Ryu: So how's that Carlucci thing going?
    Monica: What Carlucci thing?
    Ryu: The killing of your uncle.

    On unlikely weapons:
    Andrew C: It's a Chinese fighting diaper, I took one in the chest once.

    On poor Jug:
    Amy: Oh… Ryu broke his jug.

    On talk shows:
    Andrew C: Jug knocked up your lover who you killed twice already.
    Morgan: Jerry, Reincarnated Lovers.
    Andrew C: Then Steve can help you sort it out.

    On looking up the name Mei Khan online:
    Monica: If it is porn, then I will check it out to make sure it's not Lei Feng.

    OOC: After investigation, Nakedcrazystick.com does not exist.

    On shtick jealousy:
    Morgan: (to Amy) You can trade sex appeal for cunning linguist.

    Lei Feng was being pushed around by a small Asian fortune teller. On peanut galleries:
    Sarah and Andrew C and Amy: Resort to violence.

    On limits, not so much (Probably worth mentioning the toy in question was not ACTUALLY a vibrator):
    Andrew C: You burned out the battery to my whirly vibrator.
    Sara: Yes, I burned out your battery.

    On gathering information:
    Amy/Monica: I'll find a hypnotist I slept with.
    Andrew C/Zack: I'll find one I shot!

    On continuing with OOC jokes:
    Amy/Monica: Four nipples was fun.

    On running gags designed to irritate Sara:
    GM (as Carlucci goon): I found a Thai boy, what's a Thai boy doing here?

    On mook hatred:
    Zack/Andrew C: The mooks must die.

    On unfortunate times to miss (She was fighting Uncle Sonny, who was holding one of his tiny nephews):
    Sara: So I missed.
    Morgan: No, you hit the child. You hear a head turning in a strange direction.

    On things we know and hate:
    Andrew C: The mooks like the inky shadows.

    On "Collateral Damage":
    Andrew C: It's a good thing she's on our side, the sprinklers wash away the evidence.

    On looking at a girly calendar:
    Andrew C: She has no legs.
    Morgan: She's been loafed!

    On the complete confidence of your fellow players:
    Sara: 'Cause I am not fully tainted by Viridian.
    Andrew C and Sarah: Yeah right.

    On disobeying a relatively direct "order":
    Amy: I don't want to be spanked by Ryu.
    Morgan: He'll show you his spank me baby technique.

    On Lei Feng stealing Monica's cell phone, OOC:
    Amy: What she doesn't know is that the number listed under "Ryu" is a male stripper and Ryu's actual number is under "Steve."

    On rebellion (although she does have a point):
    Monica: (to Lei Feng) Can I have my phone back? Both phones?
    Lei Feng: You're not my mommy.
    Morgan: This piece of paper says she is.

    On "I try to get out and they pull me right back in":
    Sara: I'm not going to enlist the help of Viridian.
    Amy: I will.

    On calling Wind to see if his voice matched the one talking to Ryu earlier and claiming a wrong number:
    Morgan: (to Monica) You can feel the glare over the phone.

    On Wind being Lei Feng's past life lover:
    Andrew C: Screwed!

    On how to get money for a pay phone:
    Andrew C: Just botch two perception rolls and find two shiny quarters.

    On name jokes:
    Morgan: The Mei Khan exchange.

    On half certain that she is Mei Khan:
    Lei Feng: (to Wind) We've met before.
    Andrew C: (as Lei Feng) You took my panties.

    On alternative theories:
    Amy: I've decided that Maurice is Mei Khan.

    On Jug joining Monica's tryst with Sebastiano [her alibi]- lovely mental images:
    Andrew C: He's wearing a diaper, he just whips it off and joins in.

    On Natasha, why we love her:
    Morgan/GM: You start getting rained on, hear gunfire from behind you and a girlish giggle.

    On looking at an all-male calendar:
    Morgan: (as man in picture)I have a tool.
    Andrew C: (likewise)I am a tool.

    On attuning to sites of power:
    Morgan (as Thorn): This place of power was built by vengeance and hatred.
    Zack: I want some of that.

    On everybody wants Ryu:
    Thorn: Ryu, I want you to stay.
    Andrew C: (as Thorn) Take your pants off.

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    Images © Index Stock
    Textures © The Blooming Effect and Hybrid Genesis
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