Magickal Correspondences
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Magick is part of every aspect of our lives.
We are all connected in a web.
We connect to each other, we connect to the Earth, and we connect to the planets in our Solar System.
As we create Spells and Rituals sometimes we need to research how all of the components effect each other. The combination of color, stone, time of day, and chant can either assist or hinder our will from being attained.

In Equitas Veneficii, we connect and honor both the Earth Magicks and the Ceremonial Magicks. The intent of this page is that it contain comprehensive magickal correspondences and information to help you with your spellwork and your magicks.

May Your True Will be Attained

Practice Safe Spellwork!
Spell Work and other Magickal Systems

When most of us picked up our first book on Wicca or Witchcraft, it was to learn a spell.   As you know, not many spells are taught during the student year, due to the karmic implications of teaching spellcraft.  Now that you are an initiate, and have sworn oaths, you are trusted with more information.

Preparatory Skills (hatha and raja yoga are good aids to developing these)
  Cleansing, clearing and stilling

Working with the Power
  Confining it (casting the Circle)
  Raising it
  Sending it (channeling it)... for immediate effect or into storage
  Earthing the excess (grounding it)
What is Magick?
Magick is finding your connection to the Earth

And all that is natural and alive and moving in the Universe!
Magick is living in balance with the flow of life, and knowing that you are a vital force within that flow. Magick is everywhere! In the trees, in the rain, in the stars, and in the sea. It is the spark that quickens a seed to rise up from the soil.

Magick is laughter, and joy, and wonder, and truth!

It is the subtle enchantment that reminds us not to waste a single moment of this gift that we call life! Magick is not greed, or power, or pretense...It is real. It exists. And it works.
Magick is the mystery that lies in the secret soul of the world. It is the essence of creation.

And with it you can create your dreams, heal your world, love your life, and find the peace that lives in every human heart.

One of the essentials in spellcraft is knowing correspondences.  The more layers of focus you have, the stronger your spells become.  I have included in this material, several magickal correspondences for you to refer to as you write and perform your own spells. 

Systems of Magick

Magick of Color. This technique is used in various other  forms and is the most widely used in relation to your desires. Color has the ability to enhance, modify, lessen, or completely change our moods and emotions, even our perceived desires! A color is chosen to represent the goal or desire of that which you are attempting.  You can implement it in all other forms and techniques.

Symbolic Magick. This is a system which uses different symbols to represent various ideas, people and goals.  Numbers can also be used.
A good self-made symbol representing the thought form or the elements or whatever it is you wish, is the most    powerful magick as it is your own.
Some examples are
Tarot, Runes, Numerology, I Ching,
Druid Sticks,   Cartomancy (reg. playing cards), the symbols used in Candle Magick, and any of the altar/ritual forms you chose.

Poppet or Representational Magick. A lot like the "voodoo", it is a system wherein it utilizes the figure of someone in which you are working the spell for. This helps in visualizing the main desire and end result. An important aspect of magick. These can be made from just about anything and are widely sold at many shops but again, the best is the one you make yourself. It personalizes it even more both for the person and you.  A lock of hair, a piece of clothing, even a photo or picture from a magazine will work just as well too in representing who/what the spell is for.

Talismans and Amulets. These are "charged" magickally and usually worn or carried on the person for protection, good luck or any other reason you want. It is a type of representational and a type of symbolic magick combined. There are many types, figures, combinations, pieces and items you can use for this purpose. Many are worn around the neck as in jewelry or carried in a
pouch or "mojo". An example is the pendant of a clover used to represent luck and fortune. Another is the thing you carry with you when you're playing Bingo, its your "good luck" charm. Didn't know you were playing with Magick when you brought that did you?

Herbal Magick. This also can be implemented in the many forms of magick there are. Used as talismans and amulets in a pouch or a dream pillow for dreams or a good nights sleep. Combined inside a candle for a scented or enhanced energy for your goal. There are literally hundreds of different types of herbs readily available and each one can have its own specific use or a myriad of uses. Many are cultivated at the correct Moon Phases, both sown and harvested in order to maximize the magickal effects. This is a very ancient system but is still widely used today.

Candle Magick. One of the oldest forms of magick as well as one of the easiest. Fire has held our fascination for many centuries and its uses are seemingly unlimited. Its use in Magick is not only extremely effective but you can also use the many other forms and techniques along with it. Color, Representational and Herbal Magick being the most used in conjunction with this.

Knot Magick or what some call Binding Magick. It utilizes rope, string, yarn, or any item that can be charged and tied to signify the desire. It is used in conjunction with many of the other forms and is a type of representational magick also. Some carry the tied desire around with them, wear it, untie it to represent release. The color, form and energies are all used when practicing this type of Magick.

Stone, or Crystal Magick. Each stone or gem has its own magickal property. And here again, you will find wide differences in each attribute. It is used to enhance a spell or used on its own. The power of the Stone is amazing. Many healers use this system as the vibrational power of the Stones are useful in many areas.

Elemental Magick, or the use of the different elements, Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Even the directions of each one has its own magickal properties. Each has its own aspects and is used in very nearly all forms of Magick. These are very important and there is wide differences in the different properties attributed to each.  It is up to you to find what works the best for you. The many different interpretations come from just that.

Magickal Correspondences
One of the most difficult parts of spell creation is deciding what components to use.  Following are lists that will help you choose spell components based on their attributes.   The correspondences will also assist you in choosing the day, moon phase, and time of day in which to cast your spell.
Astrological Occurances and Information
Astrological Correspondences
Daily Correspondences Feathers
Flowers Fragrances
Hand Gestures
Goddess Runes
Moon Phases
Moon Goddesses
Moon Correspondences
Moon Magick
Planetary Correspondences
Planetary Hrs
Seasonal & Time Correspondences Traditional Birthstones and Flowers
Rites & Ritual Wheel of the Year
Witch's Runes

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