bar rainbow

bar rainbow

Hunab Ku - Galactic Central

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The Dreamspell calendar is based upon the ancient Mayan reckoning of time. Dr. Jose Arguelles reinterpreted the Mayan cycles in a modern context and named it the Dreamspell calendar. There are a total of 20 "Glyphs" and 13 "Tones" which change successively each day until moving through all possible combinations of each glyph (Solar Seal) paired with each tone. This total is 260, which is the number of days in the "Tzolkin", the Mayan's galactic year. In addition to a glyph and a tone, each day has one of four colors: red, white, blue, or yellow. Starting with the first tone and the first glyph, the first day of the Tzolkin is called Red Magnetic Dragon. The next day is called White Lunar Wind, after that is Blue Electric Night followed by Yellow Self-Existing Seed...

solar seals

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The twenty glyphs and their attributes:

DRAGON IMIX RED nurtures birth being
WIND IK WHITE communicates spirit breath
NIGHT AKBAL BLUE dreams abundance intuition
SEED KAN YELLOW targets flowering awareness
SERPENT CHICCHAN RED survives life force instinct
WORLDBRIDGER CIMI WHITE equalizes death oppurtunity
HAND MANIK BLUE knows accomplishment healing
STAR LAMAT YELLOW beautifies elegance art
MOON MULAC RED purifies universal water flow
DOG OC WHITE loves heart loyalty
MONKEY CHUEN BLUE plays magic illusion
HUMAN EB YELLOW influences free will wisdom
SKYWALKER BEN RED explores space wakefulness
WIZARD IX WHITE enchants timelessness receptivity
EAGLE MEN BLUE creates vision mind
WARRIOR CIB YELLOW questions intelligence fearlessness
EARTH CABAN RED evolves navigation synchronicity
MIRROR ETZNAB WHITE reflects endlessness order
STORM CAUAC BLUE catalyzes self-generation energy
SUN AHAU YELLOW enlightens universal fire life

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The thirteen tones and their attributes:

1 MAGNETIC unify purpose attract
2 LUNAR polarize challenge stabilize
3 ELECTRIC activate service bond
4 SELF EXISTING define form measure
5 OVERTONE empower radiance command
6 RHYTHMIC organize equality balance
7 RESONANT channel attunement inspire
8 GALACTIC harmonize integrity model
9 SOLAR pulse intention realize
10 PLANETARY perfect manifestation produce
11 SPECTRAL dissolve  liberation release
12 CRYSTAL dedicate cooperation universalize
13 COSMIC endure presence transcend

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tzolkin The Mayan "Tzolkin" Calendar contains some elegant mathematical symmetries when the 260 Kin are mapped onto a 13 x 20 grid. Starting in the upper left-hand corner with the first day of the Tzolkin year, Red Magnetic Dragon, the Kin (days) proceed down the first column with both Tone and Glyph sequentially changing through their 13 and 20 characters. At the end of the first column, the Tone has gone through 1 full cycle of 13 and onto the seventh Tone in its second cycle; the Glyph has gone through its first full cycle and begins again with the first Glyph, Dragon, at the top of the second column, Kin 21. The Tone for the top position of the second column is the 8th Tone, Planetary, and ending that second column with the 1st Tone, Magnetic. So the third column begins with the 2nd Tone, Electric.

Note that the first Tone of the Tzolkin, is followed successively in every other column. In the top row, the third column's Tone is 2, and in the top position of the fifth column, the Tone is 3. In the top row, starting from the top left, the Tone numbers go 1 through 7 in the odd-numbered columns while the even numbered columns complete the Tones 8 through 13. Each row contains all thirteen Tones. The 13 tones in each and every row in the Tzolkin grid follow the same sequence of numbers:

1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7

Only the starting number changes. Also note that the difference between adjacent Tone numbers in the rows alternates between 6 and 7, except where 7 occurs (always between 13 and 1) where the difference is 6 on either side of the 7. Between 1 and 8, the difference is 7; between 8 and 2, it's 6; between 2 and 9, it's 7, etc. This is true for the entire grid of the Tzolkin, the differential between adjacent numbers in every row is always 6 or 7.

The darkened squares weaving throughout the grid is called the "Loom of Maya". These days are Galactic Activation Portals, there are 52 in all. 52 is how many Kin are in a Castle, 4 successive Wavespells. Jose Arguelles explains that there are correspondences to the DNA double helix as well as the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. For more detailed information on the Loom of Maya, read Jose's book, The Mayan Factor.

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More On the 
Dreamspell Calendar You can find out even more about the Dreamspell Calendar on my second page. Here you can learn about the Castles, the Clans, Earth Families, the names of the 13 lunar months, and more...

Dreamspell Pages

Dreamspell Page 1 Dreamspell Page 2 Dreamspell Page 3 Dreamspell Page 4 Dreamspell Page 5

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Winter Solstice of 2012 is the close of the great cycle.
Cycles of time written in the stars

Here's a lot from Jose and Lloydine Arguelles on the web at Earth Ascending.

Randy Bruner has calendars available, worked with Jose and Lloydine on the "Telektonon", and also has info on the Dreamspell on his page.

Here you can dial in any day, past or future, and get the oracle of the day. Zebalon's Oracle Dialer will tell you the analog, occult, antipode, and guiding powers for any solar seal with keywords about the influences of each glyph. Great for doing Mayan Dreamspell readings.

There's a message board for discussing the Dreamspell calendar and related subject matter at the 13 Moon Calendar Peace Change Movement.

A visionary artist and Galactic Time Daykeeper, Starroot , teaches Dreamspell workshops.

This is a site called The Invisible College with information relating to the Dreamspell Calendar organized into five "Time Cells".

More info on the Dreamspell as well as related information can be found here at 2012 Unlimited.

Here is yet another site on the Dreamspell Calendar called Maya Time Star Love.

The 20 Tribes are described in detail here and the Tzolkin's divinatory aspects can be more readily grasped and used as one would might cast a Tarot reading... only different.

What ties together the Tzolkin with Gilgamesh, the wobble of the Earth, sunspots, numerology, tetrahedral geometry, subatomic particle physics, Halley's Comet, Pluto's orbit and a few dozen other scientific disciplines and hyperdimensional thought abstractions? Read the remarkable story about the Niniveh Constant and the Art of Time Travel.

There's an article by the late great Terence Mckenna explaining the connections between the I Ching and the astronomical time cycles of the moon, the sunspot cycle, zodiacal ages, and the precession of the equinoxes. It's called Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams.

Fieldwerks offers a wavespell tutorial, insight into the current timewave, poetic wisdom, cosmic advice and some informative links all in one page. This one is entitled Yellow Seed Wavespell".

There's some enlightening articles by the Mayan Scholar, Carl Johan Calleman, on this webpage. Read about the Venus transit and the harmonic concordance at the Global Oneness Commitment page.

The 13 Moon Natural Time Calendar World Peace Movement has loads of good info you can chew on concerning the Dreamspell Calendar.

Are you ready for this one? This page has more links to more articles about the Mayan end date 2012 than you can read tonight. I'm not kidding you. Go check out All About 2012 and come back next week when you're done.

Ooooh! One of my favorite sites having anything to do with the Mayan Calendar. This website holds many treasures and is worth spending some time in. Go visit Willard Van De Bogart, and take a trip through the Earth Portals.

This is Aluna Joy Yaxk'in's webpage on the Mayan Calendar and Cosmology. Lots of in-depth articles on the workings of the calendars, the Mayan peoples of long ago and today, and much more.

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7 circles, 6 sides - the sacred 
geometry of 13.

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