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Jaris' Tutorial on the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar

bar rainbow

Hunab Ku

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On the day of the Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2012, many of the greater and lesser Mayan cycles converge. This has often been interpreted to be the portent of some fearful doomsday scenario awaiting the fate of mankind and the Earth. It has also been a point of derision in dismissing the entirety of the validity of an ancient calendar as meaningless in modern society. The astrophysical reality behind this particular date is that this is the precise day that the solar meridian crosses the galactic equator. The Earth, Sun, and the galactic center of the Milky Way are in alignment, with the Sun directly between Earth and the center of the galaxy. The ecliptic plane of the Milky Way galaxy is within a dark band stretching across the length of it which the ancient Mayans called the Road to Xibalba. In reality (the reality consensus of modern science, that is) this dark band is caused by interstellar dust particles obscuring the view of the stars that populate this region of space. The midpoint of this dark, narrow band in the Milky Way is the Galactic Center, in the direction of the constellation Saggitarius, with about 50,000 light years in either direction to the outer reaches of this mid-sized galaxy. This particular juncture in time is also believed to be alluded to in The Great Cross at Hendaye, a mysterious cross of unknown origin in Europe. A longtime friend of mine, Rev. Vincent Bridges, has co-written a book on this ancient enigma.

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The North Star, Polaris, slowly moves in a circle above our heads. It takes 25,920 years for it to be directly overhead once again before beginning another grand cycle. In reality, it is the Earth itself that is doing the moving; a slight wobble on its axis. This very slow, circular, wobbling movement of the Earth is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. In astrology this directly affects how many years we spend in each of the twelve houses of the zodiac. It takes light about 26,000 years to travel from the center of our galaxy to the Earth, traveling at roughly six trillion miles a year. These two extremely long cycles of time are perhaps virtually identical. Is this mere coincidence that there is such an exacting correlation? Is there a significance or connection between these seemingly disparate cosmic cycles? How did the ancient Mayan astronomers come to such precise and arcane knowledge about the movement and alignments of planets, stars, and galaxies? Of what use was this knowledge to them? There is much that is destined to remain a mystery and as much to yet be uncovered as far as these great mysteries are concerned. The ancient Mayan astronomers were able to calculate this auspicious astronomical juncture that was to happen in their distant future in 2012, foresee it as a cosmological momentous event, trace back to the date in their distant past to know when this event last happened in this great cycle, and place themselves in the middle of this calculated astronomical calendar at the appropriate day. This was a feat of unprecedented scientific sophistication not yet adequately merited or acknowledged by Western academia. It may be the unfathomable truth that the Mayans based their mathematical time constructs on this distant future date as their anchor date, not a time in some remote past, or in their present, as Western civilization arbitrarily did 2000 and some odd years ago. There is research and literature on the astrological and psychospiritual aspects of this grand alignment and conjecture ranging from end of the world scenarios, comet blast, Armageddon, to the dawning of a new age, the lifting of the veils, and the promise of Heaven. In any event, we're not far away from that date now and it might be time to give some thoughtful consideration into the deeper, mystical meanings of this in our lives. Perhaps this is God, the mathematician, speaking in code about the secrets of life, revealing the Divine Plan and its schedule. Hopefully humanity isn't late for its appointment with cosmic destiny. Follow that rabbit!

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Here are the glyphs shown in the classic Mayan depiction and Mayan names:

20 Mayan Glyphs

The Mayan Calendars are qualitatively different maps upon reality than the current Gregorian jumble of unequal months. In the Mayan's solar calendar, with all 13 months each containing 28 days - 4 seven day cycles, there is a regularity and elegance not acheived by the cumbersome and awkward Gregorian accounting of cycles. The 5th of any month is always the 5th day of the week and the 23rd will always be a Monday. * This evenness and predictability, to some extent, must shape the conduct of human affairs and the world of commerce and business in a way that would be easier to keep track of than the slovenly system of the Roman empire, which is still in place today.

The Mayan Oracle The Mayan Tzolkin calendar is the mapping of galactic cycles of time. The sacred calendar was used in a divinatory way to understand human nature. The characteristics of each of the 260 days has a unique combination of traits with the influence of one of the 13 tones paired with one of the 20 glyphs. An astrological mapping of the energetic influence of these cycles of time, the Tzolkin was consulted in important decisions such as marriages, political decisions, and travel. There is a divination deck authored by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner called The Mayan Oracle, which is widely available and is a nice introduction to the Mayan concepts without having to grasp the scientific underpinnings of their intricate cosmology. It actually has a more liberal and in-depth description of the qualities of the Mayan symbology than initially given in Jose's seminal work, The Mayan Factor, with less emphasis on the geometric aspects and ratios inherent in the 13 by 20 grid of the Tzolkin. It's all good. huh?

* Not really being called a Monday in the Mayan count, but nevertheless, always the second day of the Mayan 7 day week. The 23rd day of any month will always be the second day of the 3rd week.

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Here is yet another depiction of the classic Mayan glyphs. Notice the amount of variation between the two sets of glyphs. There is liberal artistic interpretation in these depictions and yet there is also the retention of key graphical elements common to both.

20 Mayan Glyphs

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MAYAN NUMBERS IN NATURE The human body has 20 fingers and toes that directly corresponds to the solar seals of the Tzolkin grid. In addition, the 13 major movable joints - 2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 shoulders, 2 elbows, 2 wrists, and the neck - correspond to the 13 tones of the Tzolkin and the 13 moons of the Earth's solar year. The human gestation period of 9 months, or 260 days, is a close correspondence to the number of days in one completed cycle of the Tzolkin. In American Indian folklore, the turtle represented the Earth. Indeed, the Earth was referred to as Turtle Island. The turtle has 13 scales on its shell and this again echoes the 13 moons of the solar year. Women's fertility cycle closely follows the cycle of the moon as it orbits the Earth 13 times a year. This 13th lunation has been obfuscated by the 12 month Gregorian calendar, fostering confusion and forcing an unnatural rhythm upon the measure of natural time. This has sidelined the power of nature in our lives and cut us off from our awareness of primal rhythms and their influence. It is perhaps the intentional outcome of this false vibration set up centuries ago under the direct influence of the Catholic church. A calendar reform movement in the early part of the 20th century, which gained momentum and was seriously being considered to replace the awkward Gregorian calendar, was vigorously opposed by the church and the adoption of the 28 day 13 moon calendar was ultimately defeated. Fear of the number 13 has been a part of our society's phobias for a long time. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day and the 13th floor in high rise buildings is often skipped and called the 14th. There is even a name for the fear of the number 13, Triskadecaphobia.

Jose Arguelles, speaking as the ancient Mayan seer, Valum Votan, says, "Without the Thirteenth Moon; without placing the Thirteenth Moon back into our consciousness, we remain absolutely trapped in the complexification of form. With the 13th we have the transcendence and also the circulation of time." The vibrational power and influence of the prime number 13 had a changed status at some point in time in Western Culture from sacred to profane. This was perhaps an intentional misleading belief put forth by the secret societies which sought to hide the true knowledge of the powers that operate in this world. The sciences and cosmology are powerful tools of knowledge and have long been the realm of the rich and powerful in society. Secret knowledge in science is often the basis of successful businesses or the strength in military prowess.

All hail the harmony of mind and nature, the one giver of movement and measure.


Tzolkin Glyphs

(This page currently under development and construction.)

still workin' on it...

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