The wisdom of the ages is yours. A light unto the 
May the sun shine upon you.
The words on this page are quotes from many different authors. They are culled from my ongoing notebook. I am an eternal student of life and its many facets; its endless pathways to the heart and mind and soul. These are some of my reminders - to bring me to my center and to put me in touch with the sacredness that resides in the core of all things. These are precious gifts for the nourishment of the spirit within. Enjoy.

Seek Ye the truth

"Read not to contradict and to confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider." - Francis Bacon (quoted) in forward of "Ultimate Encounter" by Bill Barry

"...rejection based on terminology only increases the likelihood that truth will not be found." - Ishmael in questions and answers, Metapsychology mag. Autumn 1986, p. 145

"We tend to represent ourselves even when we don't want to, when we form opinions of situations. The meanings we project into or find in situations very much reflect ourselves." - Wilson Van Dusen in "The Presence Of Other Worlds", p.169

"...we live in a universe which is the Idea, or Dream of its Creator." - Evelyn Underhill in "Mysticism", p. XIV-XV of preface.

"Until you know that who you are is empty and meaningless, you don't know anything." - Werner Erhard in "Creation" (taped).

"Religion is an art. Truly religious men are artists in religion instinctively." - Beryl Cohen in "Men At The Crossroads",p.225

" is a matter of choice whether you enjoy what you have or resent what you don't have. - "Cosmic Awareness Speaks (vol.3)p.46

"Men of wit and understanding convert a stone lying on the ground into a stepping stone, while men devoid of common sense turn even a stepping stone into a stumbling block on their way. In life, it is the way of looking at things that matters." - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in "Wings of Love and Random Thoughts

"It is in vain that we search for an essential difference between good and evil, for their constituents are the same. The crucial distinction lies in their structure, i.e., the manner in which the pieces are assembled. Evil is disintegration, an angry juxtaposition of alienated opposites, with parts always striving to repress other parts. Good is the synthesis and reconciliation of these same pieces." - Charles Hampden-Turner in "Maps Of The Mind", p.29

"God-knowing individuals are not discouraged by misfortune or downcast by disappointment. Believers are immune to the depression consequent upon purely material upheavals; spirit-livers are not perturbed by the episodes of the material world." - in "Urantia",p.1732

"For what is the purpose of man's life upon the planet? It is ever to grow, to receive from the blows of fate and Man's iniquity some greater understanding, some larger strength that will fit him more surely for his heavenly home." - Ishmael in "Metapsychology Summer 1986 (Questions & Answers)p.112

"What is to give light must endure burning." - Marilyn Ferguson in "The Aquarian Conspiracy", p.115
The Soul of Sol

"Man is always seeking a power, a power to overcome something or destroy something; and therefore he is not living in the awareness of God, because in the realization of the presence of God there is no need to overcome, to destroy, or to do anything." - Joel S. Goldsmith in "Beyond Words And Thoughts", p.24

"When meditation happens, your whole life will become a meditation, a celebration. You will not have to practice awareness." - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in "Meditation: The Art Of Ecstasy",(foreword).

"Meditation is one of the ways in which the spiritual man keeps himself awake. All good meditative prayer is a conversion of our entire self to God." - Thomas Merton in "Thoughts In Solitude", p.19

"The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Desire is thus the chain that binds man to the reincarnation wheel." - Paramhansa Yogananda in "Autobiography of a Yogi", p.317 (footnote)

"You need adversity to know the truth. If you encounter adversity, realize that these are the knocks and bumps that encourage people to be Yogis. To know good, you should know what bad is. This is life." -Alice Bailey in "The Science of Meditation", p.6

"If you had no problems you'd need to make some, which is exactly how you got them. They are your implements of creation. Every great sculpture, painting, poem, story, musical composition, attempts to solve problems. They may be problems deeply buried, unknown consciously even to their container, coming forth as heavenly release into creation." - Arthur Burks in "Waken the Dreamers", p. 155

"Success comes not from trying to eliminate life's pains and obstacles, but in meeting life's challenges from a place of true personal power and inner strength." - cover of "Stillpoint Publishing" catalogue (1988-89)

"We must devote ourselves to the practical work of our daily lives and try to realize the guidance of Spirit in every affair. This depends on our maintaining a non-attached attitude. The moment we start creating special points, ideas, and distinctions, we exile ourselves from the state of God consciousness and miss the infinite freedom of reality." - Darwin Gross in Eckankar: A Way of Life, p.8

" assured that whatever station of life we are placed, princely or lowly, it contains the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution, and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves." - Edward Bach, M.D. in "Heal Thyself (The Bach Flower Remedies)", p.30

"There are times in our lives - rare and chosen moments when God makes a point of showing us beyond all doubt that He is our only support. A man is a fool if he does not understand that the things that happen to him are signs, and makes no attempt to read them." - Lanzo del Vasto in "Return to the Source", p.65

" can never give an ultimate, absolute proof that a proof in some system is correct. Of course, one can give a proof of a proof, or a proof of a proof of a proof but the validity of the outermost system always remains an unproven assumption, accepted on faith." - Douglas Hofstadter in "Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid", p.193

"Science wrought to its uttermost becomes myth. History wrought to its uttermost becomes myth." - William Irwin Thompson in "The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light", p.3

"Of all the weaknesses little men rail against, there is none that they are more apt to ridicule than the tendency to believe. And of all the signs of a corrupt heart and a feeble head, the tendency of incredulity is the surest. Real philosophy seeks rather to solve than to deny." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton in "Zanoni", p.111

" unclarified mind represses its own faults and then projects them on all opponents." - R. Collier in Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East", p.209

" see how you get stuck in roles and how the life process, the spiritual contact, turns off the minute you think you're somebody doing something. My consciousness, my concepts of the universe have turned me off because I know that the higher consciousness state is a state of unity." - Ram Dass in "The Only Dance There Is", p.8

"Like other forms of anxiety, fears are related to deep yearnings and potentials. For each terror, there is a corresponding liberation. Terror is a negative desire. The terror of seeing yourself is the negative aspect of the ecstasy of really seeing yourself." - Timothy Leary in "Changing My Mind, Among Others", p.65

"The wavelength of the selfish mind and that of God naturally reject each other. Indeed, when our faith in God becomes sublimated to the level where we do not expect any gain in material terms, we can be granted truly good blessings." - Masaharu Taniguchi, Ph.D. in "365 Golden Keys to the Summit of Fulfillment", p.6

"Yield to the willow all the loathing, all the desire of your heart. A hair's breadth of deviation from it and a deep gulf is set between heaven and earth." - R. H. Blythe in "Games Zen Masters Play", p.28

"Play is, in fact, one of the most practical methods of survival, both individually and for the species. Within its framework lies the secrets of creativity, and within the secrets of creativity lie the secrets of being." - Jane Roberts in "Seth Speaks", p. 558

"Those who have developed their awareness may have a more mystical experience drinking their morning coffee than an unprepared person would have in meeting Jesus." - Jacob Needleman in an article by D. P. Miller in the "Free-Spirit" publication (Winter '89-'90), p.29, col. 2

"You can have a relating that may only happen as a glance of an eye, but it will be more powerful than the most passionate sexual experiences people are having now." - Paul G. Lowe in "The Experiment Is Over", p. 55

Love is being totally open, vulnerable. It is dangerous. You become insecure. We cannot ask how to love; we cannot ask how to surrender. It happens. Love happens, surrender happens. Love and surrender are deeply one." - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in "The Book Of The Secrets", p.41

"Polar struggles must be recognized for what they are, forms that embody destructive energies. Evil flourishes where it is fought; it diminishes where there is education, blessing, honesty, good will and, most of all, love." - Ken Carey in "Vision", p. 49

"You can never understand the tremendous peace that is always there within you, that is your natural state. Your trying to create a peaceful state of mind is in fact creating a disturbance within you." - U.G. Krishnamurti in "The Mystique of Enlightenment"

"God realization is not a milestone, but a long road that leads nowhere. It is in vain to make claims you are going to "get there" because once you reach this plateau you have never been more "just here" before." - Evan Pritchard in "The Temple Within", p. 149

"Time and again human consciousness fixates, and slams the door on its greatest gift, the open-endedness of infinite possibility. As a result we do not experience reality but merely our concept of it" - Jose Arguelles in "The Transformative Vision, p. 26

"...understand that when you are in a state of confusion and you recognize that you are in that state, congratulate yourself. You are scrambling up old behavior patterns and beliefs and you are disturbing old orders and ways of being so that you can realign them. Do not feel that you are going nowhere when you are in a state of chaos and confusion. It is a high state of being as long as you do not perpetually stay there." - Barbara Marciniak(off the Internet)

"The Tao of the sage is work without effort." - Lao Tzu in the 81st chapter of the "Tao Te Ching"

The Buddha is within

"Our ability to fully ground and reflect our soul through form is intimately linked to how close we are to achieving and maintaining physical balance." - Machaelle Small Wright in "Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered", p. 167

"The power of your presence is directly related to how much you are in your body." - Paul Williams in "Remember Your Essence", p. 38

" of the most precious things in life, to doubt, because unless you doubt you cannot discover. The religious question is not something that can be answered by someone else...unless you discover yourself, there is no joy, no ecstasy. If God is given to you ready-made, it is not worth anything, it is valueless." - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in "The Rajneesh Bible", p.284-6

"Doubt is suicidal for the Spirit. Doubt has retarded many souls. Doubt is hell personified. It leaves no room for hope, no access to peace. Doubt is your inner enemy, and the enemy of all humanity as well." - Jesus channeled in "New Teachings For An Awakening Humanity"

The concept of belief never reflects actual experience. On the other hand, if something is in your experience, you have no need to "believe" in it." - Valdamar Valerian in "Matrix III", p. 100

"To comprehend the purpose and meaning of life, one must above all love life and become totally submerged in the turmoil of living...he who understands the sheer experience of living will, by the same token, understand the theory of life." - from the diary of Kostya Ryabtsev as quoted in "The Sexual Revolution" by Wilhelm Reich, p. 2

"Understanding a thing is to arrive at a metaphor for that thing by substituting something more familiar to us. And the feeling of familiarity is the feeling of understanding. ...words, far from being a simple shorthand for communication, actually structure and reorganize reality." - Lyall Watson in "Lifetide", p. 333

"At some point early in our lives, we decide just how conscious we wish to be. We establish a threshold of awareness. We choose how stark a truth we are willing to admit into consciousness, how readily we will examine contradictions in our lives and beliefs, how deeply we wish to penetrate. Our brains can censor what we see and hear, we can filter reality to suit our level of courage. At every crossroads we make the choice again for greater or lesser awareness." - Marilyn Ferguson in "The Aquarian Conspiracy", p. 112

"The normal urges of animal beings and the natural appetites and impulses of the physical nature are not in conflict with even the highest spiritual attainment except in the minds of ignorant, mistaught, or unfortunately overconscientious persons." - "The Urantia Book", p. 383

"To the extent that sexual contact reflects lust for sensation, it is a roadblock; to the extent that it is an expression of selfless love, it becomes more consistent with spiritual progress." - Meher Baba in "The Mystery of Consciousness", p. 42

"Physicians tell us that biochemically, love shares a lot of the same exhilirating effects that amphetamines produce. We know that the immune system can be strengthened by it; that white blood cells perform better; and that the production of endorphins increases." - Charles and Carolyn Muir in "Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving", p. 5-6

"There are different dimensions, worlds within worlds. In the transition from one reality to another, you feel like you're contracting and expanding at the same time. You become, on the one hand, part of everything, and everything becomes part of you, but at the same time you contract into an infinitesimal point. This absurdity contains the secret of moving from one dimension to the next." - John Mack in "Abduction", p. 250

"...all people must learn love and forgiveness (the fourth dimension) before they can master the fifth dimension, which is the ability to manifest things using the force of love." - Dr. Norma J. Milanovich in "We, the Arcturians", p.85

"...all physical laws appear to be unified in ten dimensions." - Michio Kaku in "Hyperspace", p. 314

"The mass extinction that ended the Permian period destroyed fully 96% of all plant and animal species 250 million years ago. ...Every 26 million years or so there is a mass extinction." - ibid, p. 297

"The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annihilation, of mass changing to energy and energy changing to mass." - Gary Zukav in "The Dancing Wu Li Masters", p.197

"Neutrinos were nature's most indifferent particle, able to travel through light years of lead without interacting. Trillions are passing through you right now as you read this sentence." - from "Missing: 97% of the Universe" (Dec. '83 issue of Science Digest), p.56-57

"Unreality is the true source of powerlessness. What we do not understand, we cannot control. And when we cannot comprehend the major forces, structures, and values that pervade our existence, they must inevitably come to dominate us." - Charles A. Reich in "The Greening of America", p.13

"Those who attack are part of the problem, not part of the solution. They force issues without love in their hearts and thereby promote strong and rigid attitudes on sides of imaginary fences...Those who attack - if they persist - become what they criticize." - Ken Carey in "Vision", p.51

"There is no greater power in the universe than human intent and love..." - Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll in "The Cosmic Lattice" (Nov. '97)

"As for me - listen well - my delight is the exquisite; yes, for me glitter and sunlight and love are one society." - Sappho

If you're still in the mood to read some words to feed the soul... move on to my next page of quotes.

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