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By John Andrew Agbay:

Ever wonder how
activists fall in love?

The Philippine
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Q&A on the Estrada Fallout
By Allyn V. Baldemor:

How to make friendships
last a lifetime

Busting Stress and
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The Untold Feminist Cause
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By Reinier C. Dungca:

How to look for your
Perfect Crystal Partner

A Call for the
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Healing Partners

Reinier C. Dungca

Who doesn't know crystal balls?

They are the same stuff fortunetellers use in looking into the future. No matter how hard people believe in the antics of a fortuneteller, the crystal ball is still the most amazing paraphernalia in the ritual of fortune telling. It is made up of a mass of crystal which fortunetellers say has the ability to show what is in store for a person.

But that is not everything there is in crystals. They are not just for alleged fortune telling but also for, believe it or not, healing.

Crystal healing is one form of healing with the innovation of the crystal and its powerful aura. It is one of the alternative ways of healing using natural matter or substances. This time, in crystal healing, a mass of carbon-originating matter is used.

These nature-grown substances are derived from carbon molecules which have developed into a solid. They, in turn, possess translucent appearance and they come in different colors depending on what molecular structures they have. Quartz crystals or those clear crystals are not the only kind. There are many others.

But who could talk about their complicated structures anyway?

What is important is that they could be instruments of healing. Remember, they are instruments of healing and they cannot just heal by themselves.

But how could these carbon-formed crystals really be tools for healing? And is there such a thing as a healing crystal?

It is all possible with the power of the mind. Many people have tried and attested that crystals do have a certain aura that when programmed with the mind will serve as the antidote for any pain or affliction. And these very same people have healing partners, their crystal healing partners.

There are many different crystals and minerals which could be beneficial to man. All man has to do is to look for his perfect partner and pave the way for a lasting personal bond with the healing crystal.

Crystals could be purchased from a local crystal store. They may seem costly, yet they are treasures to behold.

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Allyn V. Baldemor; Reinier Dungca; John Andrew Agbay.
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
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