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Healing Partners

Reinier C. Dungca

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Crystals need not be big or heavy to emit more energy or aura. The truth of the matter is that, even smaller or cheaper crystals have the same energy field as those of the bigger ones.

After all, it is a matter of personal taste and preference. Even if one wears it as a pendant or just carries it around, it does not really matter much.

Your stone, which you have just selected, may well have traveled many thousands of miles before coming to you - and may well have acquired many negative energies and 'vibrations' in its long and arduous journey to find you!

So there is a need to cleanse and clear your crystal. Clearing a crystal or mineral is a simple task. It is a way to ensure that there are no leftover negative energies from the party that you obtained the crystal from. Do not consider it a slap at those who had the crystal before you, rather it is a way to personalize it and create a new energy bond between you and your new partner.

There are many ways to accomplish this. This is one way:

Make sure you are not going to be disturbed (maybe like in the bathroom). Hold your new crystal under room temperature running water, and as the water cascades over the piece, close your eyes and imagine that all negative energies are being washed away down the drain and out to the ocean to be purified.

After doing so, say this prayer by Dael Walker thrice in a row aloud: "I invoke the light of Christ within, I am a clear and perfect channel, Light is my guide." This will establish a personal bond between you and your new partner.

After this step, never attempt to blow dry your crystal or use a towel to dry it. Let it dry under the natural rays of the sun. After drying, immerse your stone in salt water for several hours and dry it again under the sun.

Bury the stone in your garden for several days and wash it thoroughly using the same procedure. Lay it out on a cluster of quartz crystal to purify the energy there is.

That's it. And now you are ready to be a friend to your crystal and program it as you wish. This is as simple as closing your eyes and visualizing through your mind's eyes the image which you want to occur. It is as simple as that. Just concentrate and trust your own instinct and the vision you create will be realized through the bond you and your crystal have.

Just use the power of your mind and you will obtain what you envision.

But remember to fully use the power of positive thinking in using your crystal. The crystal aids the mind in your positive outlook.

Just like any human being, the crystal need to be cleaned regularly. In cleaning the crystal, use running water, a liquid soap and a smooth brush. Be sure to rinse it well after soaping it. Dry it under the sun or tap it with a dry towel.

Crystals are of great help in any healing undertaking. There could arise an intimate relationship between you and your crystal. Just take advantage of this and treat your crystal as your healing partner.

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Allyn V. Baldemor; Reinier Dungca; John Andrew Agbay.
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
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