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Beating the Blues
[published in Plus! Magazine, 1996]

by Allyn V. Baldemor

What goes up must go down, they say. But more importantly: What goes down must find its way back up again! Talk to friends. Pursue new interests. And most of all, look at the big picture and remember what's truly important to you.

Danny* didn't notice when or how he lost his wallet. He just noticed that when he got home after dinner, it was already gone. The wallet didn't have much cash left in it, but he was concerned about his driver's license, credit cards and ATM cards. The next morning, in between his busy work schedule, he managed to report his loss. To his shock, however, he was soon to find out that-because he had used his birth date as his ATM P.I.N. number-the crook who got his wallet had been able to easily guess his code and withdraw the maximum withdrawable amounts from his two ATM accounts.

Minnie* forced herself to concentrate on her work. She sat in front of her computer and seemed to be doing fine. All her officemates knew her recent breakup with her boyfriend of five years and although she was putting up a brave front, everybody knew she was hurting inside. Later, she went to the ladies room, and catching the eye of one concerned friend in the mirror, she suddenly broke into tears.

Gary* worked long hours at the office and was the example of dedication and hard work. When the company suddenly announced a special management training seminar for selected employees, Gary was devastated not to be chosen as one of the delegates. His boss explained that the higher-ups had opted to send "younger blood" to the seminar, but reassured him of his value and secure place in the company. Nevertheless, Gary found himself walking under a dark cloud, his self-esteem deflated.

Lenny* was five-months pregnant with her third child when her husband-devastated after being rejected for a job overseas-died of a heart attack. She walked around dazed and despite all her friends' support, refused to discuss her husband's death and her plans for herself and her family. She wanted to pretend he was still alive… at least until after her baby was born.

Life's painful upsets can go anywhere from a lost wallet to a lost loved one. One cannot help but feel unhappy when bad times strike. In fact, it's normal and healthy to allow oneself to feel sad and find a way to express one's feelings rather than lock them up inside. What makes the low periods different from one case to another, however, is the length of time involved and the behavior of the person affected.

Experts agree that highs and lows are a normal part of the human experience. However, when the glum feelings start to affect work and social life and zap your energy and enthusiasm, professional attention may be needed. Persistent blue moods can drag a person down and take a toll on physical health as well.

Negative thoughts brought on by depression can weaken the immune system's ability to fight disease. Studies have shown that individuals who suffer from chronic depression are four times more likely to get sick.

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Allyn V. Baldemor; Reinier Dungca; John Andrew Agbay.
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
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