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The Incongruous Arrival (Part 1)
Klaus Reimann, Captain of an old re-commissioned vessel, is to gain command of a new state of the art starship. Arriving to find the ship in the final stages of construction, Reimann begins with a simple enough task: get the senior officers together and get them to work successfully as a unit. But his plans are interrupted when an unknown menace threatens the ship: one which Reimann may have brought with him.

Out For A Smoke (Part 2)
Captain Reimann and his crew have just arrived on board when a crisis presents itself. What is happening on board? Who or what killed everyone? Will it kill Reimann and Co?

Drabble 1: A Botanical Question

United Colours of Cardassia
The Hansean arrives at Cardassia Prime on what is at first a normal run. But tensions both on board the ship and down on the planet create a series of volatile situations Captain Reimann needs to solve, or else, well, I imagine bad stuff might happen. 

Drabble 2: The Life of the Replenishment Assistant

The Fishy and The Elderly
While the Hansean is in orbit of Antidea, others of the crew are returning on board a raceabout from a conference. But as they are both flung into the strangest of situations, how will the divided crew react? 

Drabble 3: The Dating Game

Babel Talk
A pirate EMP attack leaves the ship completely powerless, knocking off not only shields and weapons, but the universal translator as well. How can the crew hope to fight back against those who would enslave them and steal all their cargo when they can't even understand each other?

Drabble 4: The Language of Romance

Jabobo 2.0
A strange scientist with a familiar name arrives on board, and a threat from the past haunts a crew unaware of it's existence.


Season One Archive (.zip)


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