Star Traks: The Incongruous Voyages was created by Ronan Stafford. It's based primarily on Alan Decker's Star Traks (though all the other Star Traks series deserve mention for inspiration),and these in turn are based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. Last thing I knew Paramount and Viacom owned Star Trek, but with weird stuff happening there I don't think they know who owns it. Anyway, I don't. If you do own Star Trek, drop me an e-mail and I'll credit you for having enough money to buy the franchise. Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. Rated PG (by author, who knows nothing about ratings). But I don't think there's any foul language, just a couple insults and gory deaths. Nothing worse than you get in primary school playgrounds these days. ######################################### ###STAR TRAKS: THE INCONGRUOUS VOYAGES### ######################################### ########Season One: Drabble Three######## ######################################### #############The Dating Game############# ######################################### #################by RPS################## ######################################### Rascamontes looked through the selection of walking boots at Dillon’s Supply Depot. He was there for two reasons: to find a nice new pair of boots and to find out who Henry was dating. He’d asked her round his for the evening, but she’d declined, saying she was busy. So he’d trailed her here, trailing being a much better word than stalked. He saw the staff door starting to open. Surely she wasn’t going out with one of those losers. Niels and Igor were such nerds. Which one was she with? Henry walked out laughing, hand in hand with Holo-Bradley.