The College is fully accredited to teach the New Zealand National Nanny Certificate which is awarded at the completion of Year One studies. Students learn a huge range of skills and activities in their first year. These cover all aspects of childcare, including human development, family interaction, nutrition, observation techniques, teaching practices and programme planning.

Also included in Year One is a range of "practicum" placements, designed to give students hands-on experience working with babies and children. Practicums directly link theory to practice, which is vital for personal and professional development. The College has an espe-
cially strong placement network, which is varied and well established. Each student has five place-
ments, each of which lasts for two weeks. One is with a rural family, one with a new born baby, one with a special needs child and one will be live-in. Further practical experience is gained in our associated P.A.L. Early Learning Centres and Nurseries.

Year 1 - National Nanny Certificate



  • National Nanny Certificate
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