Mette's handball corner   for fans of Danish team handball

Player info

This is the most recent team data. The brutto team seems to change all the time, therefore this page is too complicated to update and make new buttons for, so I am planning a more simpel solution. After the Olympics in Sydeny 2000 the "fairly new team" with a mixture of new and old players broke to pieces as seven of the best players quit. Shit happens! (see the Olympic team and those who left). See also the old player info page. Now we have a new Olympic team from 2004.

Mette Karen Line
Roslyng Fruelund Lotte



Anja Nielsen


The new players I know little about, sorry..

Read more about the players' results during the previous championships and which players performed in each championship..

The most famous days of the national team - the Golden period is consideren being from 94 leading up to the Olympics in Atlanta.

The Olympic 2000 theme page.
European Championship 2000 theme.
World Championship 2001 theme.
European Championship 2002 theme.

Also have a look at the news archives as well as the latest news.



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