
If you have any problems with the fuctionality of this website, try browsing through our list of questions to see if yours are there. If none of these questions answer yours, send us an email.

I would like to receive updates on your magazine and website. How can I do this?

Then join our mailing list! Click here to fill out a short form in order to join. All we need is your name and your email address.

I'm on your mailing list and haven't received updates. What am I doing wrong?

The easiest answer to this is: we haven't had any updates to send. But just in case we don't have your email address, fill out the e-mail list form again on the Contact Us page.

Can I receive your e-letters through email?

Yes you can! Simply by joining our e-mail list.

How can I help you 'spread the word' about your magazine?

Read the part about "Help Spread the Word" in one of our e-letters

Also, another thing almost any one can do for us. Post flyers about our magazine in your Parish Church (permission needed first, of course). Just click here and up will pop a page you can print off and then distribute. Using colored paper (or ink) will help the flyer stand out better.

How do I report a missing / broken link?

By contacting us and we'll fix it ASAP. :)

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