Writings for Intellectual Ammo


CJ's Writings
E-mail CJ at [email protected]

Why America is not Founded on Christian Principles (25 kb) - This essay, which I adapted from a post which I submitted to the Jaberz e-mail list in April, 2002, discusses numerous points why I object to the frequently encountered myth that America was founded on Christian principles.

Why God-Belief Is Irrational (30 kb) - A brief explanation why CJ Holmes holds that god-belief is irrational. 

Rob Mitchell's "Arguments Against Evolution" (14 kb) - Seasonal favorite on the Apologia List, Christian swashbuckler Robinson Mitchell swings his heavy sword against that most hated of scientific realities, the theory of biological evolution. CJ steps in to rescue science from the maiming hands of this ambitious defender of the faith.

A Response to Shandon Guthrie's Opening Argument (63 kb) - In May of 2002, Christian apologist Sean Choi invited CJ to participate in a debate with budding Christian philosopher Shandon Guthrie on the existence of the Christian god. Since time is always fleeting and also since it seems that such debates are a waste of time, CJ instead opted to publish his reply to an Opening Statement in a debate which Shandon already had posted to his website.

Was Hitler Selfish? (44 kb) - In an adaptation of his submissions to the Jaberz e-mail list, CJ shows why Hitler was not selfish, but in fact utterly selfless, contrary to common assumptions. A dialogue with a Christian apologist gives CJ an opportunity to show his truly rational inspiration.

Some Comments About Faith, Pt. I (20 kb) - In this first adaptation from his work on the Jaberz e-mail list on the issue of religious faith, CJ works toward deriving a rational definition of the notion 'faith' as used by Christians.

Some Comments About Faith, Pt. II (72 kb) - In a second adaptation from his work on the Jaberz e-mail list regarding faith, CJ expounds on the philosophical nature of religious faith as it is employed by Christians and modeled in biblical examples. 

CJ's Posts to the Apologia List (index): Check out CJ's activity on the Apologia List before his "microphone" was taken away from him!



The Writings of Dawson Bethrick (posted here by permission)
E-mail Dawson at [email protected]

Aquinas' 'Five Ways' and the Primacy of Consciousness (14 kb) - This short essay shows how Aquinas' famous arguments for the existence of a god do not adequately deal with the issue of metaphysical primacy and can only be accepted on the basis of the primacy of consciousness view, which is false.

Christianity and Circular Reasoning (10 kb) - An open letter to the webmaster of the Who Is Jesus? website considering the essay What if Christians are guilty of circular reasoning?

Hearn's "Objective Morality": A Critique (49 kb) - An interaction with Mr. Brian Hearn's essay Objective Morality, which attempts to show that Christian morality is objective.

A Response to Ron Rhodes (78 kb) - Dawson critiques Rhodes' Strategies for Dialoguing with Atheists, which is supposed to be a kind of primer for Christians who want to reinforce their low opinion of atheists.

Dawson Takes On CARM: 

Contra CARM (index) - Dawson's seven articles comprehensively demolishing essays found on the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry website.

Dawson's Chat Logs:

Unlike me, Dawson loves chatrooms. He can frequently be found in one of the many religion chatrooms on the MSN Chat circuit, frequently under the moniker "CertainVerdict." Dawson has a knack of arguing in "real-time" chat, and typically has the presence of mind to save a copy of his chatlogs.

Read Dawson's conversations with...

_thehaze (207 kb) - Here's a Christian who encountered Objectivist philosophy and tried to pull a few fast ones... Of course, that didn't work.

311eons (27 kb) - This Christian claimed that "everyones reaction to existance is fear" [sic]. 

AcceptanceOFXcept (103 kb) - Dawson gives this guy a 101 on Reason.

cmdrZeke (30 kb) - This theist held the position that happiness is a "lack of suffering." Dawson shows why this is an inadequate view of happiness for human life.

DearBuffaleen (67 kb) - "DearBuffaleen" is a theist who simply wants there to be a god, and therefore reacts defiantly to Dawson's criticism that god-belief rests on the primacy of consciousness view, which is false.

Garou173 (86 kb) - This theist claimed that, since reason is limited, it is insufficient to deal with claims of the supernatural.

IliveForTheSavior (51 kb) - This guy says we shouldn't work on "the Sabbath"!

tvanripe (39 kb) - Another theist who wants to claim that God created the universe. 

Also see...

Dawson's Posts (index) - Click here to read Dawson's 67 posts to the Theism vs. Atheism Web

Odds ‘n Ends

Interesting picks from around the net which make a few bite-sized but very potent points against god-belief.

- Bev Eyre points out that the Christian God's nature - if He is not responsible for it Himself - is essentially random. He concludes that "no matter how you look at it, positing God makes your life totally meaningless."

- Michael Martin shows why Christianity is absurd. He rightly points out that "[t]he Christian doctrines of Salvation, Heaven, Ethics, The Atonement, and God are of central importance to Christianity and yet these doctrines are problematic" and that "this is absurd in terms of the ordinary dictionary definition of 'absurd'."

- Vladimir Kornea asks a very ripe question to a Christian who seems to expect people to believe there's a god on his say so. To date, we have yet to see a good Christian response to this question. It's questions like this that need to be pressed more often.

- Anton Thorn shows why the Christian God - if it exists - could not value anything, not even itself. Contrary to the thoughtless recitations of Christian believers, Thorn aptly concludes that "[t]he idea of the Christian God asserts concepts while denying their genetic roots," committing what is known as the fallacy of the stolen concept, and therefore that “the idea of the Christian God is invalid. Such a being cannot exist.”

- Dr. Niclas Berggren articulately identifies a contradiction between Matthew 27 and Acts 1. Berggren remarks that “the case for there being a clear contradiction between Matt. 27:3-10 and Acts 1:18 is strong, and hence the view that the Bible is without error is incorrect,” and concludes that “the Bible seems quite untrustworthy.”

- David King summarizes the evils of Christianity in a chapter of his online book. King defiantly comments, “I hope, for His sake, that God does not exist. Because if He does, He has one hell of a lot to answer for!”

- Jim Walker has compiled a long list of quotes from Hitler's book Mein Kampf showing that the despotic German leader fancied himself a servant of God and thus was no atheist, as Christians often seem to think. Walker notes that Hitler “certainly believed in the Bible's God,” and that “his belief in God and country never left him.”  



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