Meta-Extensial Foundations for Objective Knowledge

I will not acknowledge that subjectivity is a problem, for to do so I would need to acknowledge that it exists. The truth is that subjectivity, as a problem, can only exist in an absolute form, a form that I feel cannot be reconciled with a conscious life.

Any evidence or usefulness provided by knowledge, a knowledge that may as easily take the form of tools as the form of certainty, gives our existence a new circumference, a new idea of what it is to exist or for any particular idea to be true. Thus while individuals have separate experiences, the point of reference is qualitatively and systematically the same.

The power of symbols, and particularly geometry, lies in their expression of first truths, puzzles which explain to anyone the rewards and dilemmas of being human.

Fundamentally, the simplest geometries have a meta value on a great many dimensions, while the most complex each represent a dimension in and of itself. Thus the simpler symbols are like tools that allow correspondece between parts even if they are blind to one another. The dimensional structures are a landscape of abstract relationships formed by an individual meta logic (a system of willful cognition).

Now let's look at particular symbols.

To identify a circle you must see that it loops back to itself. Otherwise it would be a line, or maybe a series of overlapping arcs. the strength of a circle is its unity, like city walls or a hug, or enclosing darkness. Identifying that sense of unity is part of realizing what a circle

For a hypothetically subjective existence, the individual must identify subjectively with all major concepts before their life is subjective. As soon as a single concept is viewed with conventional symbolism, it is used in a meta role that confers
systematic objectivity to the experience. In the case of the circle, the individual must either accept the unity of subjective experience, or discard subjectivity altogether. The only alternative is to say that a circle is not a circle, something that is at least literally false.

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