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 These filters have millions of engraved prismatic grooves that like a prism, diffract the light into its spectral colors, but without distorting the image.

Helpful hints :
 Whenever possible, this filter should be used with another Filter to color or darken part of the picture. This will enhance the diffraction effect.

 If you mount the camera on a tripod and use a time exposure longer than 1/2 second, you can obtain three concentric colored rings instead of the ray patterns : Simply turn the filter during the exposure.

How does a round filter (Star, Diffractor, Polarizer) fit in the filter holder?     
The rearmost groove on the filter holder is designed for round filters. The corrugated edge of the round filters makes it quick and easy to rotate them to any desired position.  

Thanks to the unique Cokin filter holder, you can combine the round Cokin type  filter with square filters. Too combine two round type Cokin filters you will need a Coupling Ring and another filter holder.

On line Cokin Filter catalog


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