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"in my impulsive youth, I did buy one of these filters. I used the A196. I've used it exactly twice. The attached photo is the second (and last) shot with it. The scene is part of the art project "Christo's Umbrellas", photographed at Tejon Ranch, California, 1991.

So, yes it does work. But it is far too obviously fake. I suppose with just the right setup, and enough patience, it could be used to more accurately simulate a true rainbow. However, I'm not that hard-up for rainbow shots."

 With this filter you can create a fake rainbow . You can use this filter in any weather, from a blue sky in the desert to a snowscape.

Helpful hints : Buy or try some other filter. I recommend  "The  173   Blue/Yellow Polarizer"

 They are designed for use only with wide-angle lenses. And even then they will not work. The rainbow effect is subdued at larger apertures, and disappears at apertures above f8.
The ideal aperture depends on your lens:
21 mm: f/8
24 mm: f/11
35 mm: f/16

All values are approximate
 " It is more likely to find a real one than to have this one work. "
A quote from an e-mail I received

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