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 The Cokin Sunsoft  filter is similar to the Cokin Softwarm (#696) filter except that the Sunsoft has a warmer tone. As such, it is also good for portraiture or any scenario where the photographer wishes to add additional warmth and diffusion to the image.
Sunsoft                                                           No Filter
 Photos above by Dr. Ching-Kuang Shene

 "Sunsoft works specially well on these because it "kills" the electronic look on the resulting video."
Luis Anaya

Can you guess how old the person in the picture is? Perhaps you may answer, "Well, he looks like a young man." Actually, that's a picture of myself, which was taken with the help of my friend, Mark Ahn. By using proper techniques, a photographer can make a person look younger in the portrait.
  Attaching a Cokin Sunsoft filter onto the lens can enhance the picture in many ways. First, the entire picture looks like it is being flooded with sunlight and thus the skin tone becomes warm and pleasing. Second, a close-up of the subject may expose the true 'texture" of his/her face. The filter can create a soft focus effect to smooth the face (Sorry, I don't want to show you my real face without the filter). Third, the filter also creates a halo effect to make the edge glowing (look at my shoulder).
Alex Yu

All photos shown on this site are the ownership of the Photographer and are not to be distributed in any way which may violate his/her copyright without permission from the copyright holder.

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