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209 Multi-parallel
This Cokin attachment creates parallel multiple images. Unlike conventional filters, you can adjust the effect, either by rotating the filter holder or by shifting the filter itself. Like the Cokin Super Speed (217), the Multi-Parallel keeps part of the image unaltered to accentuate the special effect. For best results select high contrast scenes : Simple shapes, neon signs, trees silhouetted against the sky. Even portraits can become amusing caricatures.
Through the use of double exposure, you can achieve more complex images. First, expose a picture without the Multi-Parallel (though any other filter may be used). Then, superimpose a second exposure on the same film with the Multi-Parallel filter. Or you can project your old slides on a screen (or matt drawing paper) and rephotograph them through various Cokin, filters. You'll be surprised at how sophisticated the effects will be.

Helpful hints:
 As with all Cokin filters, make sure that wide-angle, lenses do not vignette the image. Also, don't stop down too much with the Cokin Multi-Parallel or  the filter, rather than the effect, will become visible. This filter can be used with practically all other Cokin System filters especially the Stars, Color Filters or other Cokin Multi-image attachments.

I do not have a photo credit for this excellent photo. It did come from the Minolta USA Cokin  site.
 All photos shown on this site are the ownership of the Photographer and are not to be distributed in any way which may violate his/her copyright without permission from the copyright holder.

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