The connection of two realms of being or 
the primal snowflake (in its 6-branched form)
2nd aett, 1st rune
The icy egg or yeast of primal 
life and pattern within Oneness. 
Also the movement downward and 
inward, into the underworlds of 
the Norns, to learn their wisdom
Transformation, change, 
evolution, merging, harmony, 
protection, the past
Lily of the valley
clear quartz, diamond, moonstone, 
opal, clear calcite, geode
Gray or White
October 28 - November 13 
8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
The Germanic name: Haal (Hagalaz) 
 The Norse name: Hagall 
 The Anglo-Saxon name: Hagall (Haegl)
 The icelandic name: Hagall
 The Norwegian name: Hagall, Hagl
Embodying eternal cosmic harmony, 
the name Hagalaz means "hailstone,"
representing transformed water. The
layered nature of a hailstone was 
recognized for its potential for 
transformation, as well as its 
ability for destruction. In the 
Hagalaz rune, the destructive 
potential for transformation, 
bringing new fertility and growth 
as the ice thawed.
 The H-rune represents the mysterious 
framework of the world. Hagalaz forms 
a cosmic model that contains the 
potential energy of Oneness, born from 
the dynamic generating, and constantly 
evolving, unity of fire (energy) and 
ice (antimatter).
 Known as the crystal rune, because 
Hagalaz in an alternate form is the 
six-branched snowflake, Hagalaz refers 
to rock crystal, diamond, or snow 
crystal in the material world, and the 
crystal spirit in the metaphysical world.
 Considered the pure energy of frozen light, 
all runes can be projected by shining a light 
in a certain way through a hexagonal quartz 
crystal. When light passes through the vertical 
axis of this six-sided crystal, it projects 
the six-branched snowflake pattern of the 
Hagalaz rune. Shining light at a right angle 
to the crystal creates the Isa rune. Similarly, 
all the other runes can be projected by shining 
light at the proper angles. This ties into 
sacred geometry, revealing the inherent energy 
and information coded in universal geometrical 
 The quartz crystal's sacred power of light 
makes the H-rune a powerful one for shamans. 
Because of its shape in the Younger Futhark 
as the primal snowflake, Hagalaz is also 
considered the Rune Mother. All of the other 
runes can be fashioned from its six-spoked form. 
Hagalaz's shape also echoes the hexagonal lattice 
underlying the structure of matter, clearly seen 
in the quartz crystal. This six-sided or six-petaled 
shape is also represented by the North Star, the 
guiding star of sailors. The German word Hachel, 
meaning "wise woman," is yet another aspect of Hagalaz.
Ymir-primordial giant troll from 
whom all the realms of being stem was 
created from the union of the flames 
of Muspelheim with the yeast waves of 
ice from Nifelheim. His name means "the 
roarer," denoting the primal vibration 
or sound. He was fed by the milk of Audhumla, 
the cosmic cow, and all the races of rime-giants 
sprang from him.
 Urd-The Norns drew water from Urd's well every 
day, mixed it with gravel, and sprinkled it on 
the World Tree, making sure never to over or 
under water it. Urd, or Urdar, is the original 
Norn and the eldest sister of the three giantresses, 
the spinner of the thread and ruler over the past. 
Her name later became "Weird," when she became one 
of the "weird sisters" in Shakespeare's play  Macbeth.
 Gullveig-A Vanir wise woman who entered the 
halls of Asgard demanding vengeance for an 
injury. Gullveig was killed three times but 
still lived. Attempting to kill her brought 
about the first war (the Vanir against the Aesir), 
which the Vanir won. The two tribes exchanged 
gods and goddesses, and then ruled together. 
Gullveig symbolizes the Triple Goddess, and 
represents the negative side of Freyja.
 Hella-A giantress, she is the daughter of 
Loki. This half-white, half-black goddess 
rules over the underworld of Hel, and lives 
in Nifelheim in a hall of misery called Elvidnir. 
Hella is also the sister of the Fenris Wolf 
and the Midgard serpent, the two forces of 
chaos that ultimately destroy the world in 
Serpent, dragon, falcon, eagle, 
hawk, owl, vulture, whale, dolphin, 
wolf, spider, bat, blackbird, butterfly, 
chameleon, dragonfly, praying mantis
Hagalaz represents the cosmic primal, 
layered ice egg, filled with crystallized 
magical power and cosmic pattern, which 
was transformed in combination with fire. 
The hailstone is the symbol of the yeasty 
rime "egg" that contains the seed of Ymir, 
the primal rime-giant, formed from the 
juncture of the world fire of Muspelheim 
and world ice of Nifelheim. This is the 
potential seed of manifestation. 
 Hagalaz rules Hel. The dead are part of 
our past. After Wunjo and the Golden Age, 
the creation myth describes the Norns, 
three giant maidens who came from Jotunheim. 
With their wolf companions (hounds of the Norns), 
they were the most powerful of all deities-not 
even the Aesir could undo what they had done. 
As previously discussed, these goddesses of fate 
represent time: Urd, the past; Verdandi, the present; 
and Skuld, the future. The Norn of the past, Urd, 
rules over the Hagalaz rune.
 Hagalaz is the ninth rune, the number that 
is most sacred and mysterious in the Northern 
Tradition. Yggdrasil has nine worlds, Odin hung 
for nine nights on the tree in order to understand 
the meaning of the runes, and the god Heimdall 
had nine mothers; nine sisters, representing 
the waves, gave birth to him.
Connects runic energies into one 
 Assists in personal change and transformation
 Assesses ancestral memory  
 Protects from harm
 Shamanic journeying
 Heals past physical, mental, and spiritual wounds
 Increases mystical experiences and knowledge
Hagalaz, hagalaz, hagalaz
 H h h h h h h h h h 
 Hu ha hi he ho
 Hug hag hig heg hog
 Hul hal hil hel hol
 Oh eh ih ah uh
 H h h h h h h h h h  
Hagalaz is the rune of friendship, 
stability, and bonding. it reveals that from 
primal chaos, normally thought a destructive 
force, comes the potential for positive 
transformation. Every energetic death carries 
the potential (seeds) for rebirth and positive 
personal growth. Nine, the number of Hagalaz, 
is the number of completeness that leads to a 
birth of greater power and productivity.
 Hagalaz is the rune associated with Bifrost, 
the rainbow bridge guarded by Heimdall and made 
of fire, air, and water that stretches from Midgard 
to Asgard. It represents the dangerous path between 
worlds or experiences that can bring transformation 
or destruction. Take care not to fall off the bridge, 
unless you are prepared for the consequences!
 The H-rune often relates to conflicting or disruptive 
forces originating in the unconscious, creating the 
potential for change. It is also the rune of self-sabatoge 
due to behavioral patterns that came from the past (Urd). 
Both Urd and Hagalaz are associated with the realm of Hel, 
which in a metaphysical sense equates to the individual 
unconscious, and in a holistic sense connects with the 
collective unconscious. This rune has the capacity for 
extreme polarities-the ultimate good or complete destruction.
 The Rune of Disruption, an inherently negative rune, 
signals uncontrolled or uncontrollable forces that can 
damage or may even destroy.
 The idea of destruction as the basis for construction 
of what is new, in Nordic mythology expressed in the myth 
of Ragnarok, is essential for understanding of this rune. 
Hagalaz stands between Sowilo (Sun) and Isa (Ice), reminding 
us of the Nordic myth of origination of the world and of
the creative potential lying in between these two sides 
(extremes), even though it understands in itself that all 
things have to be destroyed first. If we wish so, we can 
interpret Hagalaz as a negative rune only, the one announcing 
devastation, but this really is not its essential meaning. 
As it is situated at the beginning of the second aett, the 
rune signifies simultaneous commencement, beginning, and 
an end-releaving us from the certainty and self-satisfaction 
expressed by Wunjo.
 Hagalaz represents a Fate's warning; each and every time 
it seems to us that things are starting to develop perfectly 
well the fate will knock us on our head - just to make us 
maintain the necessary care and attention. If we fail to 
learn the lesson, such warnings will be appearing increasingly 
more often and more expressed, all the time until we have 
finally realized that possibilities do not exist for lasting 
peace, negligent surrender, and continual self-satisfaction.
 When used in divination it signifies: sudden loss, 
hard temptation, destruction, misfortune, accident, 
settlement of what has not been cleared, check,
spiritual lesson, drastic change.
For use in magik: for elimination of unwished 
influences and destructive patterns. 
Hagalaz features no specific upright and/or 
reversed positions.
 Hagalaz teaches us that we have to learn how 
to accept everyday realities, especially unexpected 
occurences and changes of plans. Succesful adapting 
to unexpected and unwished difficulties and hardships 
will enable one to be much happier than at the moment 
the question is asked.
 This rune most often denotes that natural phenomena 
or major forces will alter one's plans. It can also 
announce death of a close friend or relative, or point 
to poor health condition of such persons.
 In some rare occasions it can predict approaching wars 
or social disturbances, which are expected to break out in the 
hundred and thirty three days' time after the day/date the 
runes are spread. This interpretation should be checked in a 
repeated spread of the runes. If the original ascertainment 
is repeated i.e. confirmed, there is nothing the person who 
has asked the question could possibly do to prevent the 
announced occurence. 

Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz
Gebo Wunjo Hagalaz Naudhiz Isa Jera
Eihwaz Perdhro Algiz Sowilo Tiwaz Berkana
Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz/A> Othala Dagaz

Rune Interpretations


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