Elk antlers, branches of a tree, 
a swan in flight
2nd aett, 7th rune
Protective force, 
the three Valkyries
Spirit, protection, sanctuary,
refuge, power, divinity
Rainbow tourmaline, flourite, 
agate, jasper, diamond
January 28 - February 12
2:30 a.m. - 3:30 a.m.
The Germanic name: Algis, Algiz, or Elhaz
 The Anglo-Saxon name: Eolh
 The Norwegian name: Elgr
Algiz represents the power of human 
spirit moving and evolving toward 
godhood and goddesshood. Literally, 
this rune means "elk," referring to 
the four cosmic harts that continually 
nibbled at the nettles of the World Tree. 
The rune embodies both the elk, because 
it looks like its horns, and Yggdrasil, 
because it looks like the trunk and three 
branches of a tree. Like Eihwaz, this 
rune is associated with the yew tree 
and yew bow.
 This rune is often used for protection 
and for the successful outcome of magic. 
The Old German alhs means "temple" or 
"sanctuary," traditionally a place where 
all spiritual knowledge and magical tools 
were housed. Thus, it was a place that was 
strongly protected against invaders. This 
rune is written both upward, looking like 
the divine triad pointing skyward, and 
downward, with all three lines moving down 
into the Earth. When the A-rune is doubled, 
it looks like the snowflake form of the Hagalaz 
rune. In the Elder Futhark, only the upward 
form is used. The exception to this would be 
using the doubled, tripled, or quadrupled 
Algiz form for bindrunes.
Heimdall-He was the protector of Asgard, 
guarding the rainbow bridge, Bifrost. 
At Ragnarok, he would sound his horn 
Gjallar, and then Heimdall (light) 
and Loki (darkness)-ancient enemies-would 
kill one another. Until then, he dwelt 
in the sacred mountains. He was able 
to see in the dark for a hundred miles 
in every direction, had incredible hearing, 
and never needed sleep. Nine sisters, 
signifying the waves, gave birth to him. 
As Rig, he begat Thrall, Carl, and Earl, 
representing the three classes of humankind: 
slave, free-persons, and nobles.
 Valkyries-There were nine times nine (81) 
Valkyries, called the "Divine Valkyries." 
There are other Valkyries called the Vaetter 
maidens, who were half mortal and appear 
only to those with second sight. In the thick 
of battles in Midgard, Odin dispatched his 
"fetch maidens," the helmeted Valkyries, who 
rode on horses and wolves or shapeshifted 
into ravens. They selected the bravest of the 
fallen warriors and transported these chosen 
dead, known as the Einheriar, over the rainbow 
bridge to Valhalla, to live among the gods of 
Asgard. The Valkyries would serve these warriors 
mead, which flowed endlessly from the udder of 
Odin's goat, Heidrun. They would feed them meat 
that came from the boar Saehrimnir. The meat was 
prepared by boiling it in the cauldron Eldhrimnir. 
The boar would magically come back to life before 
the next meal. After eating, the warriors would 
go outside and fight each other to the death, 
and then they would be brought back to life before 
the next feast. The Valkyries sometimes opposed 
Odin, teaching magic to the heroes they wanted 
to save, as Brunnhilde did with Sigurd (Siegfried).
Elk, reindeer, swan, goose, stag (hart), 
ram, wolf, raven, horse, cat, bat, 
owl, crab, lobster, badger, wasp, 
goat, boar, crane, blackbird, hound, 
bear, porcupine, wolverine, cock, 
cougar, starfish, eagle, hawk, magpie, 
The Moon
Algiz is depicted as Tyr's hand. 
It is the hand that he sacrificed 
to bind away the Fenris Wolf, the 
embodiment of the powers of chaos 
and darkness that was to end the 
world. As one of the oldest rune 
symbols, Algiz represented the 
three faces of the god and goddess, 
as well as the three polarities of 
energy: positive, neutral, and negative. 
Other mythological references to the 
number three include the runes 
themselves, which are divided into 
the three aettir and the three 
realms of existence on the World Tree: 
upper, middle, and lower.
 Algiz was the embodiment of the human 
spirit as it strove toward divinity. 
Also called Elhaz, Algiz represented 
the three upper world on Yggdrasil:
1) Alfheim or Lightalfheim, home of the elves,
2) Vanaheim, the home of the Vanir, and
3) Asgard, home of the Aesir.
 By reaching toward the upperworlds of 
light as illustrated in the A-rune, a 
person could commune with elves, gods, 
goddesses, and beings of nature thereby 
attaining divine wisdom.
Protects and defends from harm
 Moves toward the completion of your patterns
 Taps into the divine threefold and ninefold patterns
 Understands your divine connection
 Communes with the elements
 Increases your regenerative powers
Algiz, Algiz, Algiz
 Z z z z z z z z z z 
 Uz az iz ez oz
 Z z z z z z z z z z
 M m m m m m m m m m
Algiz is a primary rune of protection. 
Along with Thurisaz, the A-rune provides 
a line of defense that starts with trees 
and is followed by a line of thorny bushes, 
guaranteed to stop-or at least slow down-any 
invader. In an energetic sense, "invader" 
means anyone you don't want in your physical 
or energetic space. In magic, part of 
initiating or creating something involves 
protecting your fledgling, much as you would 
your own child.
 Along with protection, the energy of Algiz 
represents the movement upward toward the 
divine from which we originated. In terms 
of magic, it means having your energetic 
patterns take flight and move toward a 
successful outcome. 
 Turned on its side, Algiz looks like a 
flying swan or goose. The polarity involves 
protecting yourself while you are in those 
initial stages of flight, before you master 
your wings. If you feel yourself being 
attacked energetically, visualize the Algiz 
rune standing protectively around you on all 
sides, above, and below. Then focus on your 
magical patterns coming to fruition.
 The Rune of Friendship and Protection 
suggests that old alliances and resources 
will be strengthened and new ones will be 
beneficial, but in reversal it cautions 
that you may be vulnerable and deceived.
 Heimdall is an interesting and mysterious 
figure in Nordic mythology, connected with 
the rune Algiz because of the role of protector 
and guard. He guards the bridge connecting 
the worlds and decides carefully on exchange 
between the worlds. His attributes are his sword 
and the horn, that in symbolical sense can switch 
i.e. mutually exchange their positions. Both 
the horn and the sword, two equal symbols of power, 
can be used by Heimdall (whose name also means Aries) 
for both attack and defence, depending on concrete 
situation. His strength is the mascular power of 
weapons which is not aggressive but rather directed 
to keeping and maintaining peace in relations 
between the worlds, in this manner also in 
the Universe.
 If we understand communication with the runes 
as the initiation journey, Heimdall is the last 
obstacle, the last barrier we have to surmount 
(after the death and the repeated birth) prior 
to returning to our world. He says that we have 
to utilize our newly acquired powers carefully 
and in a well-measured manner, taking good care 
about the ways in which our deeds and actions 
can influence others.
 When used in divination it signifies: protection, 
assistance/help, support, cooperation, warning, 
defense, mentor/advisor, ethical dilemma.
For use in magik: for protection, 
for success in hunting.
When Algiz is drawn in the upright 
position it stands for all kinds of 
creative talents, and communicates to 
you that for solution of your problem, 
regardless of the sphere it may belong 
to, utilization thereof is necessary. 
Every sacrifice bears in itself creative 
energy, that is capable of bringing about 
change and resolving the existing problems.
 When Algiz is in its upright position, 
for the person asking the question this 
means that he/she will be interested in new 
things, whether such be a consequence of 
chance or result of a long-lasting and 
thought-out engagement. When the person 
takes a new road he/she will realize this 
is the right one, which will exert an extremely 
stimulative influence on him/her and the work 
i.e. duties performed.
 Algiz sometimes means (depending on the 
neighbouring runes) that the one asking the 
question features a mild and noble nature, and 
that sharing experience with other people is 
the source of what makes him happy.
 In its reversed position Algiz advises to 
the person asking the question to avoid people 
wishing to take advantage of him/her. The 
situation is to be assessed thoroughly, in 
order not to hurt people who have no evil 

Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz
Gebo Wunjo Hagalaz Naudhiz Isa Jera
Eihwaz Perdhro Algiz Sowilo Tiwaz Berkana
Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Othala Dagaz

Rune Interpretations


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