
~Star Dancer~
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Star Dancer's All New Poetry

Updated 01/10/02

Dancers Poetry Corner
The Sounds of the heart are many.
The laughter and tears of love
flow like the waters
that tumble from the mountian tops,
Cascading over the river beds of our lives,
smoothing the rocks of dreams,
white watering our souls with endless hopes
and ever moving toward the one end point.....
Complete and encompasing
I dedicate my page...
to the Eternal quest for Love....
The finding,
the losing
and the never ending hope
To again find that,
which by it's very existence makes us complete,
Or One can come visit the lovely land....where in the shadows
Time and tide stand still. Take our hand and see that nothing
matters but the love that was found here...
in the
Shadow Glade

Dancer's Poetry
A Legend and a Star

The SoulBlade


Fragile Heart

The Caves of Life

The Abyss
New Background

The Rock

Whispers of Love

Questing Knights and Tales of Olde


The Billowing Blackness

The Ice Maiden

The Knight -NEW
A Wishing Star
The Leaving
Shades of You
Once Loved
The Hunter's Quest-The Prey's Demise
Winters Lament
Cloak of Love
The Flame Dancer
New Look The SeaSide
Solitary Prose
The Poet
Lost on the Shore
The Ice Castle
Mournings Lament
All New Poetry
updated 07/30/02
A Legend and a Star
Watch the glow 'pon thy ships bow;
Watch and steer her clear somehow
Past the reefs and barren straights,
On through time past days and dates.
Aye, to sail the seas the deep, salt black..
You Must hae a mate...the wind at yer back
Ya cannae steer the rolling waves
For many then call the sea their graves.
Sail on ....sail on...through indigo night..
Crisp and this dancers light..
Lend your hand...that others might see...
Sing and dance...the reverie...
Hold me close and together we'll cry,
Then in harmony dry each others eye...
Life goes on...and lends us those...
Whose friendship is... but a loving rose....
Copyright Dancers Inc. 1997
Time upon the Sea~~~
Drift along the sea's with me
Smooth thy brow with tranquility
Savor the winds upon thy brow
Take my hand...and show me how..
To be serene in this desert land
Yes..speak softly and take my hand
Trail thy fingers in the lakes warm glass
Reflections of the sky's bluest repast..
Dangle thy feet in the tepid cooling dew
Of a time that is most peacefully new....
~~Drift along the seas with me....
~~For with you...alone...I find the ability....
Tasting the vastness of the grand verdant soil
Feeling my hands grow calloused with the toil
Of searching for the meaning and tempered rhyme..
Of why I am here..and will there ever be enough time
    Copyright Dancers Inc. 1996
    Disaster speaks..
    Havoc wreaks..
    Loneliness seeks
    Company weaks..
    Destiny wanes
    Life complains
    Hope remains
    What sustains?
Darken shrouds
Blocks the clouds
Hides the sun
hope does run
    Copyright Dancers Inc. 1996
Often the words slip past our eyes
Caught adrift in a sea of disguise
The churling waves and whitecapped peaks
Tell not the truth..of how the heart speaks
Away one would go, to a brotherhood unknown
Yet leaving a it able to be grown?..
Unknowning is the worst of the lot
Yet the mystery is...only part of the plot...
Copyright Dancers Inc. 1996
What can be said....
What words will I speak
Ne'er again to touch your face
Lost, I am without your embrace......
Whispers of Love
Would the mountains reach the skies..
And there upon dusted clouds
Wish for the sight of your eyes
Soft, yet piercing through my shroud..
Lay we beside the waters edge...and sleep
And there to feel the moss and fern
Velvet and petaled upon our tired feet
Where we would lay and n'er again yearn.
Addled times..and mottled woes
Would leave us to the tender view...
There would only be highs, no..lows.
As long as I am in you..
�1997 Dancers Inc.