Dedicated to the Men and Women
Who Dance with the Fires...

The Flame Dancer

Starting from the mists, she swirls so slow
As you approach her, her breath does grow
And blow a heated breeze upon the land
Only to be tamed by a Flame Dancer's hand.

Twirling and swaying with eyes beaming bright;
Upon your somber face, glows a reddish-orange light
You bask in her warmth and prepare for her wrath;
Tis your call, a must stand in her path.

As she leaps and whirls and her song you hear
Her hand of white hot ice, calls you ever so near
You feel her beckon softly with words sung so sweet
"Come closer, my dear love...come close and feel my heat"

You move toward her slowly and take up the chance
While whispering in return, "With me, my love you'll dance"
"I am a Flame Dancer, so I'll hold you ever so bold
I am a Flame dancer, and in my arms you will grow cold"

All at once, fear creeps into her fiery, glowing eyes
Seeing she must diminish her heart...and in the end she dies..
Before she will lay down, and sputter her "adieu"
She makes one last attempt to dance her dance with you.

Embracing her heated passions in the never ending night
You shower her with caresses, to dim her hot, flaming light.
Glowing fingers she holds close to your warming breast
You dance the final dance....and entomb her to eternal rest.

Visions of verdant fields...of amber golds and lush pure greens
Know that while you slumber, these peace filled thoughts fill your dreams
Sleep well Flame Dancer, and in thy repose know this all so true..
The winds shall whisper from hill and dale..all about..a soft, "Thank You"
Copyright Dancer Inc. 1996

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