's Postal Authorities Directory
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Postal Agents By Country Agents By Name Postal Unions
LaosAdministration des PT (c.2000)
Service Philatilique
Rue Jawaharial Nehru
Vientiane, Laos
Bureau de Philatelie![]()
Avenue Lane Xang
0100 Vientiane, R.D.P. Laos
UPU Int'l Affairs (c.2000)
(Av Lanexang):Téléphone (+856 21) 21 63 22 Téléfax (+856 21) 21 63 22 Télex 8044303 POST LAO
Agent: (none known)
Laos Dealers Directory Official name: Lao People's Dem. Rep.
Date of Laos' entry into the UPU: 20-05-1952
Laos is a Member: Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU)
(c.2014.09 no English)(VAS Latvijas Pasts)
Ziemelu iela 10
Lidosta Riga, Marupes novads
LV-1000info@pasts... Filatelija: infofil@pasts...
Philatelic Dept. c.2000)
Latvijas Pasts
21 Brivibas Blvd.
LV - 1000 Riga PDP, LatviaE-mail: [email protected] Telephone 7018700 Telefax 7018747 Telex 161176 LPOST LV and E-mail: [email protected]
old: www.riga.post.lv/stamps/latvijas/indexa.htm
old: www.riga.post.lv/
UPU Int'l Affairs: (c.2000)Téléphone (+371) 701 8817 Téléfax (+371) 701 8823
Agent: (none known)
Latvia Dealers Directory
LebanonLibanPost UPU, APPC, PUMed Customer Care from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm,
and Saturday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Tel.: 1577 or email us at customercare(at)libanpost.com
For calls from outside Lebanon: +961 1 629628
Receveur Principal des Postes
Service Philatelique
Beirut, Lebanon
UPU Int'l Affairs:Téléphone (+961 1) 424 986 Téléfax (+961 1) 424 980
Agent: (none known)
Lebanon Dealers Directory >> Browse Catalog (ordering stamps) This service is only available for orders outside Lebanon.
For assistance or additional info, please call us on 961-1629628
or email us at [email protected]
For domestic orders (Lebanon), please call us at 1577
Lesotho Post
Kingsway Road (c.2014)
Post Office Building
Maseru[email protected]... Contact Person:
Mr. Mosiuoa AauTel: 2232 1690 [email protected]...
Ministry of PT,T - Philately (c.2000?)
P.O. Box MS 413
Maseru 100, Lesotho
old: www.lps.org.ls
(or via Linn's)
Lesotho Philatelic Bureau
Private Bag No. 1
Maseru 100, Lesotho
UPU Int'l Affairs: (c.2000)
(same Box #)Téléphone (+266) 323 542 Téléfax (+266) 310 476
Agent: IGPC
Lesotho Dealers Directory
Re: Ministry of PT,T (no DNS 7/2002)Gets Communication Authority c.2014
LiberiaMinistry of Posts & Telecommunications UPU, APU, PAPU, WAPCO
General Post Office (c.2000)
1000 Monrovia 10, LiberiaMinister: Dr. Frederick B. Norkeh (c.2014?)
Carey Street, Monrovia
Asst Minister: Joe Bando: +231 (0) 886 553 427
County: Montserrado
www.mopt.gov.lr 'Suspended' c.2014
Agents: IGPC, Crown Agents per Linn's but not on Crown's list
Liberia Dealers Directory Factoid: Liberia, on the west coast of Africa, is bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Cote d'Ivoire and has an area of 111,369 sq. km.
U.S. Embassy Monrovia
502 Benson Street
Monrovia, Republic of LiberiaTele.: +(231) 77-677-7000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone :
+(231) 77-677-7000 Fax : +(231) 77-677-7370 ConsularMonrovia@state... (Sorry to hear about the Ebola outbreak - aj 2014.09)
(Libyan Jamahiriya)"The first country to achieve independence
through the United Nations."
Libya Post UPU, APPC, PUMed, PAPU
(c.2014 offers English)
(Stamps & Postage Club)
Section des timbres-poste (c.2000)
et de la philatelie Societe
Direction Generale des PT
Tripoli, Libya
Agent: (none known)The coastal plain of Libya was inhabited by Neolithic peoples from as early as 8000 BC. The Afro-Asiatic ancestors of the Berber people are assumed to have spread into the area by the Late Bronze Age. The earliest known name of such a tribe is that of the Garamantes, who were based in Germa. The Phoenicians were the first to establish trading posts in Libya. By the 5th century BC, the greatest of the Phoenician colonies, Carthage, had extended its hegemony across much of North Africa, where a distinctive civilization, known as Punic, came into being. . . (More Wikipedia)
Libya Dealers Directory
"Libya Post Company is a Libyan joint stock company having its legal personality and independent financial liability. It is affiliated to the Holding Libyan Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology Company." (c.2014 website)
The official name was "Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" from 1977 to 1986, and "Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"
( Arabic: الجماهيرية العربية الليبية الشعبية الاشتراكية العظمى )
from 1986 to 2011.The National Transitional Council, established in 2011, referred to the state as simply "Libya". The UN formally recognized the country as "Libya" in September 2011, based on a request from the Permanent Mission of Libya citing the Libyan interim Constitutional Declaration of 3 August 2011. In November 2011, the ISO 3166-1 (Alpha-2: LY) was altered to reflect the new country name "Libya" in English, "Libye (la)" in French.
The current name, "State of Libya"
(Arabic: دولة ليبيا Dawlat Libya),
was adopted unanimously by the General National Congress in January 2013.(Mostly Wikipedia)
Liechtensteinische Post AG UPU, CEPT, POSTEUROP, SEPACPhone +423399 44 44 (c.2014) info @ post...
Service Philatelique Officiel (c.2000)
FL -9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Tel. 075 / 236 64 44 Fax 075 / 236 66 55 E-mail: [email protected]
Agent: (none known)
Liechtenstein Dealers Directory Our History
A young company with a remarkable history. The history of the contractually regulated postal system in Liechtenstein goes back to the year 1817. 1st September 1817: The Imperial Austrian Postal Administration opens the first letter collection in Balzers.
June 5, 1852: By a treaty Liechtenstein is officially under the Austrian postal authority.
October 4, 1911: The Imperial Austrian Post and the princely Liechtenstein government reach an agreement (postal, telephone and telegraph services). On the basis of the first state-owned stamps will be issued on February 1, 1912.
February 29, 1920: After the termination of the post-agreement with Austria is Liechtenstein Post an independently operating unit for the time being in full co-operation with the Austrian Post.
10 November 1920: completion of a postal treaty with Switzerland, which ensures the handling of postal services in Liechtenstein by Swiss Post from 1 February 1921 to 31 December 1999.
The liberalization of the postal sector in Switzerland and in Europe in the 90s caused Liechtenstein to ask the postal service to an independent, competitive and market-oriented basis. With the laws on the establishment and organization of the Liechtenstein Post (POG) and the Postal Law (PG), adopted on 18 December 1998, the legal and organizational requirements for the independence of the Liechtenstein Postal Service be created.
19 February 1999: The Liechtenstein Post AG is founded.
June 1999: The Liechtenstein Post AG is entered in the commercial register. Other milestones include the acquisition of staff and the appointment of directors as well as negotiations with the Swiss post office, with the aim of ensuring the very good cooperation in the future.
Since the first January 2000 the Liechtenstein Post AG is completely independent and a market economy structures oriented, modern and profitable Dienstleistungsunternehmen.23. June 2005: 25 percent of the shares are acquired by the Swiss Post.
By first January 2006 the Philately Liechtenstein is integrated in the Liechtenstein Postal Service.
On the 24th September 2009 , the subsidiary Lieser Vice Ag is founded.
February 5, 2011 is a branch in Austria founded by post-Beteiligungs GmbH in Linz / Austria.
February 10, 2011 a majority stake in the DIG GmbH in Linz. A provider of electronic business processes, especially in the procurement area.
LithuaniaLietuvos Pastas UPU, BPU, CEPT, POSTEUROP, RCC
J. Jasinskio g. 16
03500 VilniusCall Centre: +370 700 55400 (M-F 8:00 to 18:00) c.2014 Fax: (+370 5) 216 3204
A. Vivulskio str.23 (c.2000)
LT - 2600 Vilnius, LithuaniaTel. (3702) 337575 Fax: (3702) 263204 E-mail: [email protected]
Note; welcome_e.shtml '404' c.2014
(Philatelic bureau c.2000):
Publishing Centre "Pasto Zenklas"
Giedraiciu 60 A
2042 Vilnius, LithuaniaPhone: (+370-2) 724297, 761815 Fax: (+370-2) 779911 E-mail: [email protected]
UPU Int'l Affairs:
Bureau international
A. Vivulskio g. 23
LT-2600 VILNIUS, LITUANIETéléphone (+370 2) 23 10 87 Téléfax (+370 2) 26 32 04
Agent: Kent; via Linn's
Lithuania Dealers Directory "All access points of AB Lietuvos pastas sell different philatelic products - postage stamps, first day sheets, thematic folders of stamps, books, and etc. Each year AB Lietuvos pastas puts about 25 postage stamps into circulation." (website c.2014)
Free counters provided by Honesty.com. (Est. 3/2001)
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