Lagasca, 18
28001 Madrid, Spain
Linn's for: Macao
AFINSA Directo
APO Ronda de San Pedro, 16-5o 2 a
E-08010 Barcelona, Spain (28010 ?)
fax: + 34 93 3027169
Official For:
Czech Rep.
AFINSA Centro Distribuciňn Filatelia
Alcalŕ 115
ES-28009 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: +34 915 754 473
Fax: +34 915 772 188
Official For: Sweden
See Also: Additional dealer data on Afinsa
Agences Philateliques Gouvernementales
Chaussee de Waterloo 868//870
1180 Brussels, Belgium
Linn's For: Dem. Rep. of the Congo [Zaire]
Agentur Ltd.
Box 50145
202 11 Malmo, Sweden
Official For: Japan
Harry Allen
Philatelic Service in GB
P O Box 5, Watford
Herts WD2 5SW, Great Britain
Tel: +44 1923 475555
Fax: +44 1923 475556
Official For: Sweden,
and Greenland covering "Storbritannien, Irland, Jersey, Guernsey og Isle of Man"
Linn's For: Australia,
PR China, Cyprus, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Macau, Malta,
Marshall Islands, Portugal, Tuvalu
288 House
1 Aston Way, POOLE BH12 4FE, UK
Tel.: +44 1202 711371
Fax. +44 1202 711372
[email protected]
Official for: Israel (c.2011)
Harry Allen
Langwood House
Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 lEY
Official For: USA
P.O.Box 15204
Lenexa, KS 66285-5204 U.S.A.
Tel.: (913) 631 7909
Fax: (913) 631 8778
Official For: Armenia
| Also Offers
"Illustrated hingeless album pages for Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh"
Association Beligique-chine
Rue Royale 247,
B-1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
Linn's For: PR China
Asociacion Filatelica Portena
Yrigoyen 723
planta baja B
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel./Fax: +54.1-6790/1501 - President
Tel.: +541 792 3539 - Director
Official For: United Nations
Axtner internationale Philatelie (Agency)
Data URL
(aka/cf: Philagenta GmbH)
Mr. Franz Fedra
Frauenstr 11
80469 Munich, Germany
Tel +49 89 21 99 95 0
Fax +49 89 21 99 95 40
Linn's For: Oman, UAE
Self for: " issues from 'A' like Albania till 'Z' like Zaire"
Bombay Philatelic Inc.
141 W. 20th St.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Tel: (561) 750-0047, Fax: 750-4459
P.O.Box 480009
Delray Beach, FL, USA 33448-0009
fax 1 561 499 7553 - -
Official for:
Czech Rep.
Box 7719
Delray Beach, FL, USA 33482
Linn's for: Dominican Rep.
Richard Borek K.G.
Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 7
Postfach 32 20
D-38090 Braunschweig, Germany
Official For:
Czech Rep.,
Guernsey: covering "Germany and Austria"
Linn's for: Gibraltar, India, Jersey
Richard Borek Agences
S.W. Chen, 182/5
Suriwong Road
Bankok 10500, Thailand
Linn's for: PR China
Botswana Postal Services (Gov't)
Poso House, P.O. Box 100
Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: 353131, Fax: 313599
Official For: United Nations
British & Overseas Philatelic Agency
(Mr. K. Konishi)
PO Box 80 Shibuya, Tokyo 150-91, Japan
Tel.: +813-3499-5250
Fax: +813-3499-3529
Official For: Israel (c.2011), Guernsey, Greenland
Linn's For: Barbados, Denmark, Fiji, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hong Kong,
Ireland, Jersey
P O Box 705, SHIBYA
TOKYO 150-91, Japan
Fax 813 3499 3529
Official For: Norway, Japan
Linn's For: Australia
Cercle Philatélique
22-rue Chateau Vignon
F-45330 Malesherbes, France
Official For: Czech Rep.
Theodore Champion S.A.
13, Rue Drouot
75009 Paris, France
Official For: Guernsey: covering "France, her dependencies, and Eastern Europe"
62, Boulevard de Strasbourg,
75010 PARIS, France
Tel. +33 1 42 46 65 44
Fax. +33 1 42 46 73 49
[email protected]
Official For: Israel (c.2011), Greenland
8, Rue des Messageries
F-75010 Paris, France
Tel: 01 42 46 70 38
Fax: 01 48 24 08 27 or +33 1 42 46 73 49
Official For: Russia,
Czech Rep.
China National Philatelic Corporation (Gov't)
No.2 Xuan Wu Men Dong Da Jie
Beijing 100051, China
Tel: (8610) 63022717, Fax: (8610) 63022525
China National Philatelic Corporation (CNPC)
Hepingmen, Beijing 100051
Tel: 0086-10-66060169
Fax: 0086-10-66060211
China National Philatelic Corporation (CNPC) (c.2009)*
14, Taipinghu Dongli, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100031
[email protected]
Official For: United Nations,
United States*
(& see: Hong Kong Telpo)
And, also, see my China pages for more on CNPC.
CASCO Philatelic Services (c.2007)
Welcome to CASCO Philatelic Services. CASCO is a joint venture between the
Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations Ltd and Harry Allen. Together they aid in the design, production and distribution of postage stamps for postal authorities around the world.
Harry Allen are the exclusive CASCO Distributors
Formerly: Crown Agents Stamp Bureau (CASB) (Dealers only; retail is 'Soverign Stamps' below)
St. Nicholas House, St. Nicholas Way
Surrey, SM1 4RN, UK
Tel: +44 (0)208 770 0707
Fax: +44 (0)208 642 0769
Telex: 916205 Calond G
Client Nations: many - see website under 'CASB World' (cc)
Also said to an agent for Greenpeace cinderellas/lables..
Soverign Stamp - CASB's (not sure about CASCO) retail division; online sales too.
Sovereign Stamps (url forwards c.2009)
PO Box 123, Sutton
Surrey, SM1 4WH, UK
Also handles WWF issues, offers standing order service ...
Not valid c.2009 - See 'Harry Allen'.
Free counters provided by Postal Agents Est. 5/2001