's Postal Authorities Directory
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Postal Agents By Country Agents By Name Postal Unions
Office des Postes d’Haiti
UPU, CPU, PUASP(offers Filatalie {see History to right}) Direction de la Philatélie
Bureau Central
Delmas 37
Autoroute de Delmas #223
[email protected]...
Agence Philatelique Haitienne
P.O. Box 723
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Agent: IGPC
Haiti Dealers Directory
Memory is lost, natural disasters destroy ... Through the new department Philatelic Office of Haiti Post remind our young people the richness of our country! Let's start this series Publication-recall (capsule) by:
First capsule Section 7 of the Act of October 11, 1880 authorizes the issuance of the first Haitian .. stamp, (which) in principle should .. include the arms of the Republic, but instead . . . an allegorical image of the Goddess of Liberty represented according to critics of the time by the profile of the woman Lysius Solomon.
. . .
We have just received, February 9, 2010, from the Philatelic Sociéte of Haiti this letter (that) was translated from English by André Van Dooren, President of APR Lyon
Greetings, The Philatelic Society of Haiti has received the information reported below, and disseminated to all members. We believe that this information covers all of the philatelic community, and we will send it for that reason.
I just returned from the Dominican Republic, and I have to share some information that will make . . . still unofficial. Equipment stolen in various archives in Port au Prince has left the country, and will probably end up at public auctions or in private hands. This material consists mainly of official government documents and photographs.
It might be useful to alert members of the Philatelic Society of Haiti and recommend them to be careful about what they buy, as more documents than is commonly believed were microfilmed and archived ( For safety against fire archives), and the Haitian Government will track the items that are missing or believed to have been saved from disaster. . . .
(The Post's History)
UPU, UPAEPTeléfono: (504) 2222-2136 y Tel.: (504) 2237-8353 [email protected]...
Empresa Correos de Honduras (HONDUCOR)
Departamento Filatllico
Tegucigalpa, D.C.
Centeral America
old: www.honduras.net/honducor
UPU Int'l Affairs: (c.2000)
Empresa Correos de Honduras (HONDUCOR)
Jefe Depto. de Asuntos Internacionales
3a. Avenida, era. Calle Barrio El Centro
RÉP. DU HONDURASTéléphone (+504) 238 5300 Téléfax (+504) 237 8376
Agent: (none known)
Honduras Dealers Directory
Hong Kong
Special Administravice Region of P.R. ChinaHongkong Post
Hongkong Post Philatelic Bureau Hotline
Tel.: 852 2785 5711 (Press '2' 4English) Online Standing Order form
Postal Headquarters (c.2000)
2 Connaught Place
Hong Kong, Hong Kong[email protected]... old: www.info.gov.hk/hkpo
Hong Kong Post Stamps
PO Box 80060
Cheung Sha Wan Post Office
Kowloon, Hong Kong[email protected]...
old: www.hongkongpoststamps.com (forwards to above c.2014)or via Linn's c.2000:
1706-7 East Asia Aetna Tower
308-320 Des Vouex Road Central
Hong Kong, ChinaTel 852 2928 7211 Fax 852 2850 6552 same E-mail
Linn's notes " Also handles products from China, Australia, Canada, United States, Singapore, Malayasia and Macau."
Philatelic Bureau
Harbour Building Post Office
1/F, 38 Pier Road
Central, Hong Kong
Agents: Telpo .cn, Crown Agents .uk, Allen; .uk, Interpost
Hong Kong Dealers Directory
Each year, Hongkong Post invites suggestions for postage stamp themes 18 months ahead of issue from district boards, various government departments and related organisations such as Hong Kong Tourism Board, and Universities etc. These ideas are considered by the Stamp Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC also considers proposals made by members of the public, who write to the Postmaster General from time to time.The Stamp Advisory Committee
The SAC is chaired by the Postmaster General and comprises nine members:
Prominent local citizens Professional graphic designer Philatelic expert Representative from the Home Affairs Bureau and Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service They represent a reasonably broad cross-section of Hong Kong, so that a balance is maintained in the views of stamp themes and designs to be selected. Committee members are appointed for two-year terms. Generally speaking, they are allowed a maximum of three consecutive appointments.
(From HK Post's onlin story: Birth of a stamp.)
See Also: Macao
(The other Special Administrative Region of China)
HungaryMagyar Posta Ltd. UPU, CEPT, IPC, POSTEUROP (Has English and lots of stamps.) Tel.: General: +36-40-46-46-46 FILAPOSTA: Budapest, District V.
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 16
Budapest 5
Post Office Open: weekdays 8am - 4 pmTel.: +36 1 318-3412 Fax +36 1 318-3353 FILAPOSTA is a postal outlet in Budapest offering exclusive products and services, opened to help restore the value of stamps and stamp collecting . . .c.2014
Magyar Posta (c.2000)
P.O. Box 87
H-1400 Budapest, Hungary
Magyar Posta Részvénytársaság Anyag
és Értékcikkhivatala Filatéliai
Központ 1570, Budapesttelefaxon (1) 236-45-45 telefonon 06-80-56-56-56
Philatelia Hungarica Ltd.
Box 600
Budapest 1373, Hungaryphilately@posta... Fax - 36 1 291 3278 Tel - 36 1 291 0561
or via Linn's c.2000:
Box 28
Budapest, H-1675, HungaryTel 36 1 149 1337 Fax: 36 1 129 4275 Same E-mail
Agent: (none known)
Hungary Dealers Directory
Magyar Posta is popularising the introduction of the automated parcel terminal service by releasing a regular stamp with a label. The design of the parcel terminal appears on the label of the regular stamp called Your Own Message Stamp IV: Domestic 35. The stamp was designed by the graphic artist Imre Benedek and produced by the banknote printing company Pénzjegynyomda. The new issue will be available at large post offices and Filaposta in Hungary from 20 June 2014, but may also be purchased from Magyar Posta’s online store.Free counters provided by Honesty.com. (Est. 3/2001)
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