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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions
General Assembly
(Nos. 104-1456)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

Brief Summaries of UN Resolutions - General Assembly
(Nos. 104-1456 , years 1947-1959)

Resolution 104 (S-1) (5 May 1947) Hearing for the Jewish Agency for Palestine: Resolves that the First Committee grants a hearing to the Jewish Agency, and also sends to that Committee communications on that matter from the Palestinian population.

Resolution 105 (S-1) (7 May 1947) Hearing for the Arab Higher Committee: “Affirms … that the decision of the First Committee to grant a hearing to the Arab Higher Committee gives a correct interpretation of the Assembly's intention.”

Resolution 106 (S-1) (15 May 1947) Special Committee on Palestine: General Assembly creates UN Special Committee on Palestine to investigate issues in Palestine, especially related to religious issues, and the issue reports and recommendations.

Resolution 107 (S-1) (15 May 1947) Threat or use of force: Calls upon all parties to refrain from fighting pending issuance of report by UN Special Committee on Palestine.

Resolution 181 (II) (A+B) (29 November 1947) Future government of Palestine: Describes the procedures for ending the Mandate for Palestine. Establishes a UN Commission to take over, which shall establish the borders of separate Arab state, Jewish state, and Municipitality of Jerusalem and shall establish the Provisional Councils of Government for each of the states, and shall then slowly hand over its authority to each of these governments, which shall shortly hold elections and put together militias for self-defense and internal order. No Jews will be allowed to reside in the Arab state, and no Arabs in the Jewish state their inhabitants shall be allowed to visit each other, but there shall be equal rights in both states and holy places will be protected. The UN Commission shall put together a Joint Economic Board to develop the economic union of the 2 states, and take care of financial obligations. When the states are independent, then they can join the UN. The UN Trusteeship Council shall establish the Special International Regime for a neutral and de-militarized (except for local police) Jerusalem, choose a governor, and set up elections for a Legislative Council for Jerusalem, and an independent judiciary system.

Resolution 185 (S-2) (26 April 1948) Protection of the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants: reference to the Trusteeship Council: General Assembly asks the UN Trusteeship Council to study with the British Mandate Power the situation with Jerusalem to figure out the best way to protect its people and holy places, and submit recommendations as soon as possible.

Resolution 186 (S-2) (14 May 1948) Appointment and terms of reference of a United Nations Mediator in Palestine: Establishes a UN Mediator in Palestine (Count Folke Bernadotte), and the UN Palestine Commission is retired.

Resolution 187 (S-2) (6 May 1948) Protection of the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants: appointment of a Special Municipal Commissioner: As per recommendations from the UN Trusteeship Council study, recommends that the British Mandatory Power appoint a Special Municipal Commission over Jerusalem.

Resolution 189 (S-2) (14 May 1948) Appreciation of the work of the United Nations Palestine Commission: “Resolves to express its full appreciation for the work performed by the Palestine Commission…”

Resolution 194 (III) (11 December 1948) Progress Report of the United Nations Mediator: Expresses appreciation of the work of the UN Mediator who died while serving, and establishes a UN Conciliation Commission, headquartered in Jerusalem, to replace the UN Mediator, and any functions deemed necessary of the UN Truce Commission, and resolves to protect the holy sites in Palestine, and that the area of Jerusalem be given special consideration as well, and to move forward with both the de-militarization of Jerusalem, and creation of its international regime, and to move forward with economic development for the area, and to support the Palestinian refugees to return home as soon as possible, and their losses compensated.  France, Turkey, and USA where chosen to fill the Commission.

Resolution 212 (III) (19 November 1948) Assistance to Palestine refugees: Due to the urgency stressed by the UN Mediators, the General Assembly authorizes about $30,000,000 to help the Palestinian refugees, and asks all member-nations and aid organizations to help out as well.  Establishes a special fund for this, and the UN Relief for Palestine Refugees.

Resolution 273 (III) (11 May 1949) Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations: Decides that Israel should be admitted to the UN, and can fulfill its obligations as per the UN Charter.

Resolution 302 (IV) (08 December 1949) Assistance to Palestine Refugees: Expresses appreciation to those helping refugees, and requests $33 million to help further, and establishes UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA), and moves assets and liabilities and support over from the UN Relief for Palestine Refugees (from UNresGA 212).

Resolution 303 (IV) (09 December 1949) Palestine: Question of an international regime for the Jerusalem area and the protection of the Holy Places: Jerusalem to be placed under international regime under UN Trusteeship Council, to protect holy places.  Locates Jerusalem municipality surrounded by villages to the extent of Shu’fat (north), Ein Karim (west), Bethlehem (south), Abu Dis (east).

Resolution 377 (V) (03 November 1950) Uniting for peace: Among other things, establishes a UN Peace Observation Commission, with Israel as a member, to observe conflicts around the globe and report on them.

Resolution 393 (V) (02 December 1950) Assistance to Palestine refugees: Concerned about the inadequate donations from member-nations for relief, reconfirms the need for repatriation and resettlement of the Palestine refugees, and asks UNRWA to set up a reintegration fund to help with this, and sets up a UN Negotiating Committee to try to get member-nations to make their donations, and to make sure UNRWA does its job, and decides to borrow money from the UN Working Capital Fund to help with this as well.  Expresses appreciation to all the relief NGO’s who have been helping out.

Resolution 394 (V) (14 December 1950) Palestine: Progress report of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine; Repatriation or resettlement of Palestine refugees and payment of compensation due to them: Asks the UN Conciliation Commission to continue efforts to get the parties involved to work out a final settlement, and to bring about the repatriation, resettlement, and payment of aid and compensation to the Palestinian refugees.

Resolution 468 (V) (14 December 1950) Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1950: Budgets $49 million less $8 million due to the cancellation of the permanent International Regime for Jerusalem, and $2 million added on but reason not given.

Resolution 512 (VI) (26 January 1952) Report of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine: Regrets the UN Conciliation Commission has not been able to fulfill its mission, but should continue to try.

Resolution 513 (VI) (26 December 1952) Assistance to Palestine Refugees: reports of the Director and the Advisory Commission of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Commends the UNRWA program for repatriation or resettlement of the Palestinian refugees.  Describes budgetary concerns, and encourages member-nations to help out.  Encourages the UN Negotiating Committee to continue its efforts to get more donations, and expresses appreciation for the help gotten from relief NGO’s.

Resolution 614 (VII) (06 November 1952) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting that the goals of the repatriation or resettlement negotiations and budget reduction goals of UNRWA have not been successful, asks that these efforts continue, including efforts to get non-member and member-nations to also contribute.

Resolution 619 (VII) (21 December 1952) Complaint of violation by Arab States of their obligations under the Charter, United Nations resolutions and specific provisions of the general armistice agreements concluded with Israel, requiring them to desist from policies and practices of hostility and to seek agreement by negotiation for the establishment of peaceful relations with Israel:Takes note of the communication of 19 December 1952 from the representative of Israel to the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Political Committee, stating that the debate in that Committee on item 67 of the agenda of the General Assembly had dealt fully with most aspects of item 68 and that the Israel delegation d<p>ID: not insist on the cons<p>ID:eration of the latter item.”

Resolution 720 (A+B) (VIII) (27 November 1953) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting that UNRWA goals have not be realized, extends UNRWA mandate 6 more months, and provides it more money, and urges the UN Negotiating Committee to continue seeking more funds from member and non-member nations, and agrees to expand the size of UNRWA’s advisory committee.

Resolution 818 (IX) (04 December 1954) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Noting failure of UNRWA to reach its goals of repatriation or compensation of Palestinian refugees, extends mandate of UNRWA 5 more years, and allocates more money, continue cooperating with the UN Conciliation Committee, and asks the UN Negotiating Committee to continue to get more funds from member and non-member nations.

Resolution 916 (X) (03 December 1955) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Noting that UNRWA mission of repatriation and compensation for Palestinian refugees has not succeeded yet, requests its efforts continue, it coordinate with the UN Conciliation Committee, allocates more funds, expresses gratitude for the efforts of Jordan to help out, but expresses extra urgency about Gaza and some Bedouin and others in Egypt, and urges the UN Negotiating Committee to continue to seek more funds as well.

Resolution 997 (ES-I) (02 November 1956) : Noting violations of the Arab-Israeli Armistice Agreements, including Israeli military penetration into and French, British and Irish operations against Egyptian territory, and that ship traffic through Suez Canal is now halted, calls upon all parties to observe a seize-fire and withdraw.

Resolution 998 (ES-I) (04 November 1956) : Calls upon UN Secretary-General to put together a plan to insert a UN military force into area to secure an end to hostilities.

Resolution 999 (ES-I) (04 November 1956) : Noting failure of cease-fire resolution (997), urges to UN Secretary-General to continue to pursue cease-fire and withdrawal with the help of the UN Truce Supervision Organization.

Resolution 1000 (ES-I) (05 November 1956) : Commends UN Secretary-General’s plans for a UN Emergency International Force, the UN General Assembly appoints as its head, Major General E.L.M. Burns.

Resolution 1001 (ES-I) (07 November 1956) : Approves the basic details of the Secretary-General’s plans for the UN Emergency International Force, and establishes an Advisory Committee to gu<p>ID:e its further development and implementation.

Resolution 1002 (ES-I) (07 November 1956) : Calls upon Israel, Britain and France to immediately withdraw from Egypt.

Resolution 1003 (ES-I) (10 November 1956) : “Decides to place on the provisional agenda of its eleventh regular session, as a matter of priority, the question on the agenda of its first emergency special session…”

Resolution 1018 (XI)(28 February 1957) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting with concern that repatriation, reintegration or compensation of Palestinian refugees has not occurred, and that funds for help for refugees have been insufficient, requests UNRWA to continue its work, and for all nations and NGOs to help it, and for it to work with the UN Conciliation Commission.

Resolution 1089 (XI) (21 December 1956) Administrative and financial arrangements for the United Nations Emergency Force : Concerns problems with financing the UN Emergency Force, and dec<p>ID:es to establish a Committee to oversee the financing and expenditures.

Resolution 1091 (XI)(27 February 1957) Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds: Concerning problems with system for obtaining extra-budgetary funding, decides to convene an ad hoc committee to cover the special funding needed for the refugee programs (including Palestinian refugees), and all nations shall be invited to participate, including non-members. Decides to establish a Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds to help pursue this funding for these programs.

Resolution 1120 (XI) (24 November 1956) : Noting with regret that most of the Israeli, French, British and Irish forces remain in Egypt in violation of UN resolution 1002, calls for those countries to obey that resolution.

Resolution 1121 (XI) (24 November 1956) : Notes with approval the work and progress being made by the UN Emergency Force, and supports that work being continued to completion.

Resolution 1122 (XI)(26 November 1956): Concerning UN Emergency Force financing, sets up a special account for that, and asks Secretary-General with others to work further on establishing rules for its use.

Resolution 1123 (XI)(19 January 1957): Notes with regret Israel’s violations of UN resolutions 997-999, 1002 and 1120, and requests Secretary-General to continue efforts to get Israel to comply.

Resolution 1124 (XI)(02 February 1957): Deplores Israeli violation of UN resolutions 997-999, 1002, 1120 & 1123, and calls upon Israel to comply – withdraw from Egypt to beyond border.

Resolution 1125 (XI)(02 February 1957): Considers that once Israel withdraws, that the UN Emergency Force will have to be placed on the border to maintain peace.

Resolution 1126 (XI)(22 February 1957): Notes with approval Secretary-General’s report on status of UN Emergency Force in Egypt.

Resolution 1191 (XII)(12 December 1957) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting that repatriation and reintegration or compensation of Palestinian refugees has not occurred, and that funds are seriously low, urges UNRWA to continue, and member-nations to help out, and governments of the area to cooperate.

Resolution 1237 (ES-III)(21 August 1958): Appreciating the principle of non-interference in others’ government systems found in the Pact of the League of Arab States, thus calls for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Lebanon and Jordan, and requests the Secretary-General to pursue further ways to help with economic development in the region.

Resolution 1263 (XIII)(14 November 1958) Progress report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Emergency Force: Considering the progress of the UN Emergency Force, requests the Fifth Committee to find ways to finance its continuing operations.

Resolution 1315 (XIII)(12 December 1958) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : Noting with regret that repatriation, reintegration and compensation of Palestinian refugees has not occurred, and that funding is insufficient, calls upon UNRWA to continue its efforts in cooperation with the UN Conciliation Commission, member-nations to help out and the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to find more funding. Expresses gratitude to UNRWA Director Labouisse and his staff for their years of efforts.

Resolution 1337 (XIII)(13 December 1958) Cost estimates for the maintenance of the United Nations Emergency Force: Concerning the problems financing the UN Emergency Force, authorizes additional funds, and asks the Secretary-General to consult with member-nations about a solution, and return and report results.

Resolution 1441 (XIV)(05 December 1959) United Nations Emergency Force: Having heard suggestions from Member-Nations and others concerning financing for the UN Emergency Force, authorizes $20 million, and decides credits for voluntary contributions from Member-Nations.

Resolution 1442 (XIV) (05 December 1959) United Nations Emergency Force: Accepts the resignation of Lieutenant-General E.L.M. Burns as commander of the UN Emergency Force, and approve of the appointment of Major-General P.S. Gyani to replace him.

Resolution 1456 (XIV)(09 December 1959) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: Noting with deep regret that the repatriation, reintegration or compensation of Palestinian refugees has not occurred, and how funds are insufficient, extends mandate of UNRWA 3 more years, encourages UNRWA to continue its work and cooperate with the UN Conciliation Commission, requests governments to give support and cooperation with UNRWA, and expresses thanks to the director and staff of UNRWA.

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BRIEF SUMMARIES: United Nations Resolutions
General Assembly
(Nos. 104-1456)
Security Council
Economic & Social Council

(C) Israel Law Resoource Center, February, 2007.


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